Unboxing the Motorola Droid R2 -D2 , Special Edition

About to hit the market and we can see in all its glory to this special edition R2- D2 Droid, a collector's edition that pays tribute to the famous and unique series of films called Star Wars.

The name honors their trim and we can see is characterized as sympathetic robot R2- D2. It also incorporates numerous animated wallpaper alluding to the series, Widgets and wallpapers fixed .

The telephone in regard to their technical specifications is the same as the familiar Droid 2 although there is some question about processor speed . Maybe this special edition is the same speed of 1.2 GHz .

The terminal will be available tomorrow on 30 at a price of $ 249 and is only available in the U.S. market , sorry .


Medical benefits ( audited) of marijuana

In recent times, marijuana, after decades of being demonized and criminalized , seems to be returning to its ancient character as a medicinal plant that can provide significant benefits to human health and combating of various illnesses.

or rebirth of marijuana beyond its exclusive nature of " evil drug "has been formed thanks to the United States has become popular , and legal in many states, the use of this plant for medicinal purposes. As more and have more success and acclaim among patients.

California is one state where it is most resorts to the use of medical marijuana , and economic and political importance have been made that the item be put on the table for discussion not only nationally but also is an important antecedent for other nations. California will take the opportunity to vote to legalize marijuana in November , and so far the polls show a preference for people to do so.

In Surf Pyjamas presented a list of ten benefits of this medicinal plant, which are already established , in order to promote this new look compared to marijuana, which allows us to understand what it really is and not told us the state propaganda and cultural mainstream that should be levied .

1) migraine Combat

Doctors in California have reported the successful treatment of migraines with 300,000 cases of medical marijuana. This contribution is relevant if we consider that 25 % of women and 8% of men reporting this condition in at least one point in their lives. (Source : www.relieve - migraine - headache.com )

(Source : Coed )

2) To slow the growth of tumors

The American Association for Cancer Research has confirmed that marijuana significantly reduces tumor growth in lung , breast, and brain. (Sources : www.seer.cancer.gov / www.cancer.emedtv.com )

3) relieves the symptoms of chronic diseases

Studies show that marijuana helps to qualify the symptoms of chronic ailments such as Bowel and Crohn's disease because it relieves diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain characteristic of these diseases.

4) Help prevent Alzheimer's

A report by the Scripps Institute found that THC , the main active substance in this plant , it helps block the deposits in the human brain where the disease originates . It is estimated that the United States alone there are 5.3 million people with Alzheimer's. (Source : www.alz.org )

5) Fight Glaucoma

Studies reveal that marijuana reduces intraocular pressure which favors the treatment of glaucoma. ( www.glaucoma.org )

6) Prevents seizures

The relaxing effects of this plant on the muscle and its effects antispasmodics , reduce the chances of having seizures. (Source : www.nimh.nin.org )

7) Support the treatment of attention deficit disorders and

Unlike traditional drugs such as Ritalin , whose use leads to multiple side effects , marijuana has proven effective in treating such cases without collateral costs of industrial medicine .

8) Can help treat multiple sclerosis

Marijuana helps curb some of the neurological effects and muscle spasms caused by this condition and that protects nerves.

9) Reduces discomfort of premenstrual syndrome

This plant has proven highly effective in reducing pain and physical discomfort caused by premenstrual syndrome among women . (Source : www.cannabismd.net )

10) Help in combating compulsive disorder / obsessive

As a muscle relaxant and tranquilizer marijuana significantly clarifies the anxiety it causes , yet obsessive behavior and compulsive tendencies . (Source : www.understanding_ocd.tripod.com )


Chrome 7 will be 60 times faster

Chrome 7 will be 60 times faster the current version browser Google. Thanks to hardware acceleration that already use Internet Explorer 9 and Firefox 4.

Chrome has earned , by all rights , the position of " The winning Web browser speed issues ".

The picture really did not know what to take , I leave to your discretion. I like Ash , but the other has not it , that is me.

The new browser version superior to the new Internet Explorer 9 and the next Firefox 4. Although we will have to wait and see .

And to prove it will have to wait to November to see its final version, but rumor is that in a few weeks could get a beta, and this fan Chrome will make sure to bring you news and opinions of the browser , of course, if it appears that version.

To all those who have not tried Google browserI invite you to do , is truly a first class browser , with so many options for extensions , there is little that one can not do with it. For those who prefer FirefoxBecause I have nothing to say because even I am writing this post FirefoxHa ha ha , but I let it lie Chrome is a very good browser and very complete , in fact I think Chrome is a bit more user friendly .

Another news is that , apart from improving the performance of the 2D graphics Chrome, Google also working on the 3D capabilities of your browser. And left us a video about it , with a beautiful goldfish swimming back and forth :


Scroll through your photos as wallpaper - Linux Ubuntu 10.04

As Windows 7, Linux Ubuntu allows you to automatically change wallpaper by picking from a list of photos. Here's how to create your slideshow wallpapers with the freeware CREB.

  1. Open a Terminal window by clicking on the menu ApplicationsOn Accessories then Terminal.


  2. Then enter the following command and press Entry.
    sudo add- apt- repository ppa : CREBS / app


  3. Enter your password and confirm.


  4. Then enter the following command and confirm Entry.
    sudo apt- get update


  5. Enter then the following command and confirm with Entry.
    sudo apt- get install CREBS


  6. software Creba is downloaded and installed.


  7. Close the Terminal window and click on the menu System. Click Preferences then Create a wallpaper slideshow.


  8. Click +.


  9. Select the photos to scroll and click Open.


  10. You can change the order of photos by drag and drop.


  11. Then type in the tab Default image the interval between each screen (15 minutes by default ) .


  12. Enter a name for your series of wallpapers , and click the button Apply.


  13. Your wallpaper will then be automatically and regularly changed.

Stop system shutdown - Windows all versions

You launch a Windows shutdown following the installation of software, an update or manually via the Start menu , Shut Down. If you hurry , you can cancel that decision and finish what you were doing.

  1. Click Start and enter quickly the command shutdown / a
  2. Confirm by pressing keys simultaneously Ctrl, Shift and Entry to execute the command with administrative rights .
  3. All applications for Windows shutdown are then interrupted. You can use Windows normally.

Increasing the memory buffer - Windows 7

Windows 7 uses , by default , only 512 KB of RAM as a buffer for its trade with the hard drive . If you have at least 1 GB of RAM, you can increase the amount of memory : reading and writing files will be accelerated . Note that this also applies to Windows Vista.

  1. Click Start, Type Regedit in the search field and confirm with Entry.
  2. In the registry editor that opens, scroll down the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Control, Session Manager, Memory Management.
  3. If the value IoPageLockLimit does not appear in the right part , right click and choose New, DWORD 32-bit.
  4. Name the value IoPageLockLimit and double click it.
  5. Select the database Hexadecimal.
  6. Enter the value F0000 and click OK.
  7. the Registry Editor and restart your PC to apply the change .

The new iPad would arrive in June with mini USB

After presentation BlackBerry Playbook we get new information on what will be the main competitor of this product from RIM and they are preparing the rest of the companies: the new iPad Apple. While prior to the presentation of Playbook had emerged information suggesting that the launch of the new tablet Apple will launch during the first quarter of now recent reports Goldman Sachs indicate that this could not come until June.

According to report analysts that Goldman Sachs iPad 2G ( as is being called now) would have a screen 9.7-inch and be much lighter because it would have a profile much slimmer . Also in the specifications would include a more powerful processor , logic , and finally seems to have built the front camera so much was missing in iPad.


Another thing that criticized the first version of the iPad was that I did not have connection USB , which could be corrected with the arrival of the new device which would have a connector mini USB which would replace the typical connector 30-pin that has used Apple in recent years on their devices. Remember that long ago that the European Commission approved this item as charger Single for all mobile devices. But do not know whether the decision of Europe is sufficient to determine the design of a product or have two versions with type different connector as the continent where it is sold.

In any case , we stress as on the previous occasion emphasize that for the moment this is only hearsay, see if it finally reaches the beginning of 2011 or mid-year . Nor can we rule out any possibility and seeing the tendency lately manufacturers to present their products on launch , it would be too unrealistic to Apple submit the new iPad earlier year and this became available in June.

As the time of the confirmation arrives, if you like the products of apple company and have in your Focus buy the new tablet to launch, you can go through Unofficial where are giving opinions on how it should be the new iPad.


Confirmed : Star Wars in 3D in 2012

We had already Spot that George Lucas I wanted to spend the whole saga Star Wars format 3D to re- release them in theaters again, and continue to squeeze the adventures of the young Skywalker and company to make more money . Yesterday Lucasfilm announced officially future release.

In 2012 then you can see in principle Episode I: The Phantom Menace in cinemas 3D . Apparently the conversion is going to be quite careful as they say, would be provided by third parties but will be monitored by John Knoll effects supervisor special Industrial Light & Magic, Who said "not going to see how the conversions we've seen in the past”.

I'm not a big fan of going to see movies in 3D, but I'm told and have read in several places , the tapes not are made specifically in 3D but use of the conversion, as recent Clash of the Titans and The Last Airbender make use pretty mediocre of this technology . But like all things Lucasfilm, this is not going to do lightly , but there will be a painstaking technical and aestheticSays Knoll:

It requires a eye critical and artistic with an incredible attention to detail to succeed. It is not something that can be done in a hurry if you expect good results. For Star Wars We take our timeBy applying what we know both aesthetically and technically to bring the audience a great new experience Star Wars .

Very nice, but we did not have to re editions of 97 where the saga classic was retouched to add and change things that could not be done with existing technology upon them ? Conversions are made on these new versions, for the same reason explained for edition BlueRay. But luckily there will be no additions new this time , but if you take out the detestable Jar Jar Binks the second trilogy, I would not complain . Do we need that every time has a new technology Lucas fingered films and re- brand ? While it seems that man will spend its massive fortune (built in part through the franchise Star Wars) to good causesI think is too much recycling of something that is not needed.

Although I guess it good for future generations to enjoy this story on the big screenThis step onto the fashion 3D and is excessive , however , as they say, for new audiences to live that feeling of being in something spectacular that had the first back in 77. The films were very good at the time (well, Episodes I, II and II not so much, at least not compared to the saga original to my taste ) now leave them alone and better produce something new to thrill and captivate audiences , gentlemen. What do you think?


Final dates and new data for the launch of Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo is expected to Nintendo Conference 2010 to official all information regarding your new handheld , the great hope for Nintendo to regain the top spot in portable game machines , since they now seem to maintain iPod Touch.

Although said at first that Nintendo 3DS would be available for the November 11 in Japan , it seems that the information is completely wrong , the date will be delayed until February 26, 2011 for Japanese release , this being the first country in which it will sell exclusively for a few weeks . Its price is 25,000 Yen. Around 220 euros or almost $ 300 and include an memory card SD 2GB.


The launch in America and Europe will have to wait several weeks , is common in the world of video game consoles , especially Sony and Nintendo and that they Japan will always be the first country to launch the great innovations , came with the earlier Nintendo DS , Wii, PSP or PS3. In this case Americans and Europeans will have to wait until March.

What's new in the console

There are a couple of developments in Nintendo 3DS you need to know , for example, the new wireless capabilities for exchanging games other console identical without pay for the game you too , is something that the DS is already available, the chance to play with another console without you the game. In this case you better use to share game information, and now with Wi - Fi connected can be updated player profiles and data from the last game played , including you can download content the console is closed.

Also include a way retro call Virtual Console, an emulator for Game Boy , Game Boy Color and Game I Advance. This is sure to excite anyone with a childhood marked by a Game Boy.

Your camera also has a new feature very interesting and fun , with a simple picture of a person be able to create one of the dolls Mii so curious that are on the Wii.

Nintendo 3DS

first titles will for Nintendo 3DS be from brands already established through new titles.

  1. Resident Evil : Revelation
  2. Resident Evil : Mercenaries
  3. Mega Man Legends 3
  4. Super Street Fighter 4
  5. Dead or Alive
  6. Super Monkeyball
  7. Ridge Racer
  8. Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater
  9. StarFox64 3D
  10. Steel Diver
  11. Paper Mario
  12. Nintendogs + Cats
  13. Mario Kart
  14. Pilot Wings Resort
  15. Paper Mario
  16. The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time

RIM confirms QNX replace BlackBerry OS soon

The Devloped Conference 2010 continues to talk about , is that many who follow the presentation Blackberry Playbook with a different operating system than we know in the whole range of phones smart RIMWe went through the mind that definitely it should be the only engine that drives all devices in the enterprise.

Obviously I was not unique in thinking, rumors ran through the web and RIM finally confirmed through its Vice President. QNX OS will be the next engine of devices RIM and has it all : stability, Security and quickly. Who knew that when RIM bought QNX, which originally was used only for automation equipment and management and control for autonomous devices , were no longer giving some clues.


QNX is able to support HTML5 , Flash, edition 3D OpenGL / ES and large number of standards putting in an advantageous position compared to other systems mobile operating . On the other hand, users RIM avoid restart your computer when you install / uninstall a new application. C'mon, it's time to renew the obsolete Blackberry OS it only serves to crash, and into reality : the world touchscreen.

This no doubt RIM wants to do well, It is time to change that , though I'm sure soon overcrowded, give good results. It is still unknown if there will be a full transition of all devices when it launches in new OS , or, if only available to new models.


A case that will turn your iPod touch into an iPhone

Let's ask a question that probably all know how to answer : What is the most important feature is the iPhone that does not have the iPod touch? Simple, phone calls. The rest, which is the ability to install applications that are in the App Store (unless you have jailbreak and will install what you sing ). But this now it is solved through a housing that has come with the ability to read your card SIM and also has a connector and a battery.

The case in question is called Apple Peel and was specifically designed to turn your iPod touch on a device with the ability send text messages and phone calls. Is the creation of the Chinese company Yoison Technology and will be launched in the United States through GoSolo. If you are in China and also in the United States know that it takes too long to fill the rest of the planet or sold through the internet , so do not worry about it.


Obviously the importance we are giving this release is very great . Whereas a case can turn your iPod touch into basically a phone and save you a few dollars resellers are that are mouthwatering . CEO GoSolo named Tyson Rohde Said that all they are asking for products tested to see if it works correctly.

In this case the user can talk for 5 hours and approximately another 120 on standby and while this is not reported through website GoSolo , it appears that for Apple Peel work, the iPod touch must be jailbroken .

The reality is that they always come out new ways to make jailbreak to portable Apple every time introduces a new operating system, the idea to do not like many people this will not be an option for them ( although we know that there is a large market for these gadgets axes). Best of all, it cost about $ 77, a bargain considering what it does.


Stealing PIN at an ATM (video )

In the following video you can see something similar but from the -camera hidden deviceThe tape was seized by the UK authorities. The interesting thing is that you can appreciate the clarity with which are recorded PINs entered on the keypad:


Some tips for using the ATM:

  1. Hides the keyboard when you enter the PIN ( as some people make in the video), note that the camera can be located anywhere.
  2. Controls that have not suspicious items in the card slot or keypad , if find something strange not you do operation looking for a police . It is very probable that the scammers are near the ATM machine to capture the information wirelessly or remove the skimmer if necessary.
  3. If you have trouble doing an operation beware of people offering help, especially if you 're in another country as a tourist.
  4. At the end of a transaction removed receipt from the cashier , usually indicate the amount of money in the account.
  5. Regularly check your statements and withdrawals .

20 MMORPGs games that most targeted by cyber criminals

Kaspersky has released some interesting facts related attacks aimed at gamers. The aim of the fraudsters is to steal game accounts for market wealth virtual.
In many games like MMORPGs (games role-playing multiplayer online massive ) there domestic markets in which players can buy weapons and powers to their characters, often these markets move to the world real and the " gold virtual " happens to have a value for tickets , because if players are willing to buy things in the game itself Are also willing to buy them out at better prices.
the account of a player of World of Warcraft that 2009 was worth 4 000 euros after being stolen.
Games attacked between January 2009 and March 2010:
Realizing that a market exists around virtual goods is not surprising that cybercriminals are attacking this niche for profit.

  1. Maple Story
  2. Warcraft
  3. Perfect World
  4. Lineage
  5. Woool
  6. Cabal Online
  7. PlayOnline Viewer
  8. Mojie online
  9. Dekaron
  10. Gamania
  11. Huaxia II Online
  12. Tales Weaver
  13. SilkRoad Online
  14. Had
  15. Ragnarok Online
  16. Dungeon & Fighter
  17. Latal
  18. Seal Online
  19. Reign of Revolution
  20. Lying West Online II

Many of these games are very popular in Asia and most of the scams are aimed at players of this region , Kaspersky detects a day more than 3 million attacks caused by malware that try to steal game accounts . In Spanish, the countries most targeted are Mexico more than 125 thousand attempted attacks a day and Spain with over 93 thousand.

While are numbers soaring in recent months, the creation of new malware has decreased by a market saturation. There are many sellers and prices of the stolen goods dropped considerably.

In the next graph you can see the trend , the peaks of the first half of 2008 and 2009 relate to releases of new expansion for World of Warcraft:


The phishing is another common method for stealing accounts , the emails pretend to come from the manufacturers of games and fake sites are not uncommon . In the next image you can see some percentage of attacks detected , data is July 2010 :


In eighth place is World of Warcraft with a rate of 1.83% of phishing global , this is the multiplayer online game most popular in history and it is not strange that is most attacked.

Something remarkable is that cybercriminals are not based on the number of false messages sent, but focus on the good appearance and content to fool unsuspecting victims.


Wii Remote Plus for Nintendo Wii is official

A few days ago we advance information which has now been confirmed by Nintendo. And in the same conference where the company has unveiled the price of Nintendo 3DS and games that they will be the first day of sale, it was confirmed that the company is about to launch a new command for Wii called Wii Remote Plus.

Wii Remote Plus is , as Nintendo. A review of the current Wii Motion Plus , although this time they have done well and managed to keep the functions of the Motion Plus with the size of the Wii Remote.


The Wii Remote Plus come in four colors : white , blue , black and purple , although so far no have been dates sold in Japan or in Europe. the Wii Remote Plus will be compatible with all games that currently work with the Wii Motion Plus.

About price Wii Remote Plus neither has spoken at the conference, but some languages and talk about cost around 49 euros .


Sony NSX- 46GT1 , the first television with Google TV

So far, little is known of Google TV not going to know the companies that cooperate in the draft (Google , Intel , Sony and Logitech ), which already exists adapter for use Google TV on any television: Logitech Revue and Sony prepares TVs with Google TV call Sony Internet TV.

In the past technology fairs has shown a television Sony with Google TV running on a demo, but at a distance and showing no specific models. But that is just the filtered images that we bring you below.


Moreover , we offer the name of the first model of TV Sony with Google TV: Sony NSX- 46GT1. A television that at first glance is similar to the rest of the market , but contains within it a computer all in one , because as we said, integrates all a nettop inside and all kinds of connections, decent PC games .

The Sony NSX- 46GT1As we see in the image, features a port USB , four HDMI ports, An Ethernet port and a series of connections audio digital and components. The specifications do not reveal whether the Sony NSX- 46GT1 includes connectivity wireless , but I guess that is something we should take for granted. sony-nsx-46gt1-tv

We also know that the first television Sony with Google TV include a processor Intel Atom C4100 to run the version Android optimized to control the interface that will allow us to surf the Internet, watch YouTube videos , TV shows and series TV channels like CNN , CNBC, etc .

The price Sony NSX- 46GT1 not yet known, but I guess the consortium surrounding Google TV will thought offer the product at a low cost in order to expand its business model worldwide .


The launch PSP2 Sony is near

Not long ago began to create a hype on the development of Sony PSP2, Revision and patch failure PSP GO you have to deal , not only with Nintendo 3DS, but also with new smart phones like the iPhone or other devices Android , which slowly eat handheld consoles lifetime.


Now, after months of inactivity , an interview with Netherrealm Studios (creators of Mortal Kombat) reveals important information about the new PSP. And that is their executive producer (Shaun Himmerick ) claims a PSP2 in their studies, provided by Sony to begin work on the potential and the new features of the console.

According Himmerick , PSP2 looks to be a machine very powerful lets you play games at 60 fps. On the other hand, the same operator stated that they had the opportunity to work on Nintendo 3DS, being a console itself is announced.

Although this information is to be taken with caution, it appears that many developers already have a prototype Sony PSP2, And soon (probably early 2011) could see the first pictures of the Sony console .


Encrypted texts gpg

We have tried already in Linux Zone the File Protection or of passwords from prying eyes. But sure there are with readers users who are used to store your passwords or text sensitive into text files , without further protection. Also they can protect those files simply, with a simple command in the terminal.

Of course , we want to protect, by password, . txt file called " secretos.txt . " To encrypt with gpg should write the following:.

gpg -c secretos.txt

We asked for a password again to confirm that password. If we list the directory where the text , we see that appears the file " secretos.txt "and another with the same name but with the extension . gpg, ie " secretos.txt.gpg . " We then delete the file checked ( secretos.txt ) leaving only the encrypted file .

To decrypt, we run:

gpg secretos.txt.gpg

And we will have available , again , our file original .


Cheats for Animal Crossing: Wild World

Extending his house

You must go to City Hall and pay successively :

19 800 bells

120 000 bells

728 000 bells

728 000 bells

598 000 bells

and 848,000 bells


New mode difficulty Tekken 6

New difficulty modes

Must complete the scenarios Temple of Azazel and Corridor Central in Campaign.


Unlock the puzzles in Professor Layton and the Destiny Lost

To unlock the Challenges of Layton:

The Time Traveler's House : Complete the game

The Storyteller's House : Complete the three picture books

The Hotelier's House : Complete ten races model cars

The Messenger's House : Complete all 12 quests packages delivered by birds


Unlock an object in Pokémon Platinum

To unlock the Pokédex National :

Complete the Sinnoh Pokédex having seen all 210 Pokémon regional and speak to Dr. Rowan in his lab .


Trick that allows access to two hidden challenges in Wii Fit

Here is a trick that allows access to two years hiding in Wii Fit. It must first go to the statistics screen just after selecting his Mii . We can then see a figure run from the bottom of the screen on a treadmill. Passing on to the pointer of the Wiimote - not forget to click - we then accesses two additional challenges .


Select pose victory in Tekken 6

Choose the installation of fighting after a victory

At the end of the fight, just hold one of four keys .


The two purposes Demon 's Soul

After removing the old , follow the girl in black. Once in the latter part of the game, he must either kill or get out of the fog. Depending on this choice , the end of the game will be different and a trophy will be awarded for each decision.


Unlock new characters in Sonic Adventure

Here are some tips that will unlock additional characters in Sonic Adventure.


The defeat after finishing the level Ice Cap in the skin of Sonic or Tails .

Super Sonic

Complete the game playing as Knuckles , Amy , Sonic , Tails , E -102 Gamma and well Big . Super Sonic will be available only in the mode " Adventure " .


Embody Sonic and beat Chaos 6.


Overcoming the mission C level Emerald Coast in 's skin Sonic .


Finish the level Sky Chase and then go talk to Amy in the casino playing as Sonic.

E -102 Gamma

Complete level Sky Deck then beat Gamma in the skin of Sonic or Tails .


Codes and tricks for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Firmament

To multiply the objects through the Wi-Fi:

First, connect with another player. Give him all the objects that you can turn off the console and leave the world without the other player. Since you have not saved your game, you'll still have all your items by restarting the game and the other player also.


Code for an object in Darksiders

To unlock the " Harvester " Scythe :

Go to the pause menu during a game then go to "options" . There, select "enter a code " and enter the following code : The Hollow Lord


Change the color of the bowling ball - Wii Sports Resort

Change the color of the bowling ball

Blue by default, the bowling ball can change color if one presses the next direction during the loading screen :

Down to the green ball

Left to red ball

Right for the ball gold

Get the Ball Star

You have to go pro ( beyond the 1000 experience points) and the ball star will be mainly used in category where you're pro.


Have new methods in God of War III

Unlock the challenges of Olympus

Finish the game

Unlock the arena of combat

Complete all the challenges of Olympus.


Less Spam: Create temporary email account

Who of us would like to receive spam in your inbox , I think no . And is that even though we are cautious, the spam is sent to us .

Today, thanks to the Firefox extension called Less SpamThis will be a thing of the past.
Less Spam allows create a email account temporary or make a comment without the need to give our mail real .

To do this it is very easy, just need the code of our own time and select one of the mail servers that do not require service as YopMail , Humaility or Mailinator and save the changes. For example : asdasd@yopmail.com well be your temporary account.

So if we want to register at a forum, just enough to indicate the mail we and email spam never reached our personal account.

So if you want to forget the annoying spam, do not hesitate to install this extension.



MemoryWatch : RAM Monitor

The use of memory RAM on our team is something very simple , because if we abuse the performance of our team will not be the same .

Today we present a free application for Windows called MemoryWatch, Which is responsible for monitor the use of our memory RAM. Best of all, the application itself does not consume any appeal.


Once you run the application this will be minimized in the system tray, and will only be shown until demos click on it, at which time will show us something relevant , showing how little extra space on your hard drive .

Although it does not have many options , you can not determine the time to do a memory refresh, do you start alongside windows or always display above other windows.

MemoryWatch is the perfect companion to manage the use of our RAM.



Print Edit: Edit web pages before printing

Surely you ever see the need to print a page web , because you did not have time to edit the information correctly.

Well today we bring you a extension Firefox, Which will be of great help when you require print a page web.

Print Edit is an extension that gives us the possibility of edit a page web before sending it to print.
Modify it is very easy , the first thing we have to do is go to the page you need to print and right click , select print and then " Print Edit ".


Once the steps above I mentioned , we will see a window in which we modify any element on the page with just a few clicks.

No matter if it's an image or a paragraph of text , only have to pass the cursor over it, light it and choose to hide .



TimeComX : Schedule tasks from time to time

Every day we use our computer , in which we conduct activities turns routine and are bread our daily .

That is why organizations become a major task , so today we will recommend one that will help.
It is TimeComX simple tool with which we organize various activities to be carried out at a certain time.


So with TimeComX you can schedule it to shut down or restart your computer , turn off the monitor, play videos , play any audio (mp3 , ogg , wma , wav ..), execute files, open web pages, etc . , all this when you place.

Among the options offered by this program is that of always keep it visibleAbove any task or keep in the background.

Undoubtedly TimeComX is a tool that will help us plan our activities in advance.



How to remove virus from MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger

Recently , minds dedicated to the creation of viruses have focused their efforts on the messaging client instant from Microsoft.

Fortunately , other minds generous have been to work and have countered with specific programs to remove viruses Messenger.

In this paper we collect several tools to remove viruses from MSN Messenger. Want to know ?

The first utility is MSN Virus Remover. It's in Spanish and maintains its database virus updated. Right now detected 11,675 viruses .

Also, if the virus you had blocked access to the Registry Editor , Task Manager , the settings reset functions or Folder Options , MSN Virus Remover you get it back .


Another interesting option is MSN Virus Cleaner. Analyzes , detects and removes suspicious processes related to MSN Messenger. It also has access to clean file and folder, and to delete the cache and empty the Recycle Bin.

One advantage MSN Virus Cleaner is that detects and removes viruses from other messaging clients like Yahoo Messenger or AOL.


There is also Live Kill Clean Messenger but it seems an abandoned project , the less unfinished. Only recommend it if the previous two have failed to remove the virus you have and do not mind to try his luck with LiveKill Clean Messenger.


We finish with the most popular: MSNCleaner. It's in Spanish , requires no installation , rapid, efficient , safe and easy to use.

As MSN Virus Remover, MSNCleaner also you returns access to the Registry Editor , Task Manager , the settings reset functions or Folder Options. In addition , it also restores the file Hosts ( to keep in mind if you had custom) .msncleaner


File compressors , comparison

A few years ago when hard drives were less harsh and the Internet was less Internet , compression was vital. Some even remembered with " nostalgia ? utilities such as DoubleSpace, compressing the entire contents of a disk to save space.

Today is no longer measured capacity Megabytes , but in Gigabytes and increasingly in Terabytes. The Internet connections current have nothing to do with the old , but has also increased the size of everything . photos zillion -megapixel , games that take half your hard drive, programs that need more space than the operating system, enhanced documents which are to culminate in either enriched ...

Overall, the compression is still necessary.

Here we look at the compression programs most popular.

Compression formats

It's no mystery that the format extended in Windows above all, is the ZIP . For a while RAR is gaining ground and , slowly but surely, 7Z beginning to be known . Each has its " home " , which in this case is WinZip , WinRAR and 7- Zip, respectively.

WinAce added format ACE to the list, but this is very low ebb, in part precisely because the "special characteristics "of WinAce . As IZArc , is not particularly a friend of any form, although his name would appear that it is the format ARC , it is clear that only decompresses not compressed files in this area as little used today .

Programs compression / decompression are similar to other types of programs that the more formats support the better. It is very probable that never in your life you encounter a file. CPIO but what if ... ?

Here we must distinguish between the formats compress and that decompress . For example , it is more or less likely that we come across a compressed file with a area strange , but nevertheless will be very rare that we have the imperative need compress into a different to ZIP , RAR or 7Z .

As for decompression , which is able to open more types than is IZArc , including common formats some not so and even disk images ISO and NRG. The next would be 7- Zip, followed by WinZip and WinAce " does not open 7Z - and WinRar, open only 14 formats, but is all important .

Compressing none is capable of recording in three formats we've named. 7- Zip can handle 7z and RAR, IZArc with and ZIP, WinRAR RAR and ZIP and the rest only one. Anyway, this is not particularly relevant since all can be compressed in universal ZIP , which is as valid as others.

Speed and compression

The speed at which compresses and decompresses a file, the ratio compression and power equipment are closely related . In terms of compression , and we will not go into details, there are no miracles . A understanding more thorough requires more time much to compress and to decompress. , you can not talk about speed of a particular program without also talking about compression.

This section is difficult to quantify because, according to the files that are compressed each format is better or worse performance. Still, there are guidelines more or less valid.

7- Zip and 7z can often get better compression, and not take you long.

WinRAR compressing RAR and WinZip, ZIP , have similar performance and balanced. WinZip can give a better result, but WinRAR is faster.

WinAce, except for isolated cases , does not get as good compression and what is worse , you need much more time for one task and sometimes with worse outcome.

IZArc , meanwhile , is quite fast, but the resulting file is worse compressed than others ..

Interface and usability

With all this, the most likely use of these programs is limited to unpack what downloads the Internet and compress sporadically a file . For this usually does not need to perform a compression thorough . That is compressed in a format that everyone can read, you serve.

all compressors are technically valid for a normal user . Compress, decompress , but are easy to use ? Are they comfortable ?

It is no secret that the popularity of the first WinZip and later WinRAR influenced the interface rest of the program . Both are virtually identical. The only difference is that WinZip incorporates some concepts that can be confusing. For example, " Favorites "and "Display . " folders bookmarked it containing files ZIP is somewhat bizarre, while the option display , which extracts and creates an entry in the start menu , no less so.

In summary , WinZip and WinRAR behave very similarly , but WinRAR is more to the point. The step by step wizard is another example. While in WinRAR options are clearly separate ( "unzip "," create a new file " , etc . ) 's assistant WinZIP displayed more concepts (" favorite documents , "" unzip and install "," WinZip Classic "...) that will produce doubts about users alleged without much knowledge of the subject , since they are using the wizard.

For its part, the interface IZArc is quite correct . No particular note , but it is easy to understand and use but never have tried the program . The basic options are at hand , the advanced menu . But it also has its shortcomings . For example , you can not browse the folders as it does in WinRAR and somehow , in WinZIP. Also, while doing a compression or decompression does not display additional information such as estimated time , speed, or percentage. Only a progress bar .

WinAce is not available in Spanish, which is itself an important fact. To this we can add the icons , old fashioned , not particularly easy to understand. But not all objections . It is the only program in addition to WinRAR which incorporates the concept of "presets " , ie, that lets you record and re-use a specific configuration of compression.

7- Zip we have left for last because it is a kind of homage to minimalism. The buttons are not art exactly , but do not lead to error. This highlights enough when compared to the dialog box to create a file, which is really complex. Suddenly you are surrounded by words techniques like LZMA compression , size dictionary and block size compact, able to flee in terror for over one who " just wanted to compress a file . " Okay, no big deal , but certainly not as friendly as other programs.


Compare these programs regardless of its price would be a crime and an injustice. Therefore, we have two groups of programs: free and commercial .

The free are designed for a public different . IZArc is more friendly for new users and is also the champion in terms of formats supported. It does not compress too much, but change is rapid . 7- Zip on the other hand is aimed at a more specialized audience that is willing to take the new format 7z for maximum compression .

Speaking of commercial alternatives , WinRAR is the most balanced. , with good support and some advanced , does not disappoint anyone. WinZip has yet to clarify their ideas and reorganize its interface, it seems that after years of development have been coupling functions haphazardly . WinAce for its part has fallen behind in several respects : it is slow , the format ACE is obsolete and does not always get good compression.

As always , we give you some clues , but the final choice is yours.

  7- Zip IZArc WinAce WinRAR WinZip
formats uncompressed 7Z , ARJ , BZ2 , BZIP2 , CAB , CPIO , DEB , GZ , GZIP , ISO , LHA , LZH , RAR , RPM, split , SWM , TAR , TAZ, TBZ , tbz2 , TGZ, TPZ , WIM , Z , ZIP 7Z , ISO , A, IZE , ACE , JAR , ARC , LHA , ARJ , LIB , B64 , LZH , BH, MBF , BIN , MDF , BZ2 , MIM, BZA , NRG, C2D , PAK , CAB , PDI , CDI, PK3 , CPIO , RAR , DEB , PPM , ENC , TAR , GCA , TAZ, GZ, TBZ , GZA , TGZ , HA, TZ , IMG, UUE , WAR, XXE, YZ1 , Z , ZIP, ZOO ZIP , ARJ , LHA , RAR , CAB , ARC , GZ , TAR , JAR , TGZ , LHA , ZOO, UUE , ISO, BZ2, XXE , MIM, XEF RAR , TAR , ZIP , GZIP , CAB, UUE , ARJ , BZ2 , LZH , JAR , ACE , ISO , 7- ZIP , Z ARC , ARJ, B64 , BHX , BZ , BZ2 , CAB , GZ, HQX , LZH , MIM , RAR , TAR , TAZ, TBZ , tbz2 , TGZ , TZ , UU, UUE, XXE , Z , ZIP
Formats in which compressed 7Z , TAR , ZIP ZIP , CAB , BH , JAR , LHA , 7- ZIP , BGA, YZ1 ACE , LZH , LHA , CAB , ZIP , JAR , GZ , TAR, tar.gz RAR , ZIP ZIP
Create self-extracting Yes Yes, customizable Yes , customizable if somewhat messy Yes Yes, but the trial version does not allow distribution
Batch Conversion No Yes Yes Yes No
Repair damaged files No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maximum compression * 1 5 4 3 2
Speed with maximum compression * 3 1 5 4 2
License Free Free Shareware or free advertising Shareware Shareware
In Spanish Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Note users 8.8 ( 239 votes ) 8.8 ( 655 votes) 7.8 ( 189 votes ) 8.8 ( 2883 votes) 8.4 ( 160 votes )
Note 8.0 8.25 6.5 9.0 8.0

* Value of 1 to 5 with 1 being the best value and 5 the worst. Is impossible to provide data 100% reliable , it is merely indicative


How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

You were the first to download , you have installed and thoroughly tested ; and now , fed up after binge WebSlices eyelashes transparent , accelerators and sites suggested , want to get rid of him.

I understand very well. So we're going to tell you how to uninstall Internet Explorer 9, the latest version of Microsoft's browser . Procedure is simpler than you think.

How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

Okay, I see you decided to uninstall IE9 despite its many and misunderstood qualities . Do not waste any more time, then: go to Control Panel and open Programs and Features. Internet Explorer 9 is not listed, it is considered an upgrade. Click View installed updates.

Wait for the list complete of completed and looks Windows Internet Explorer 9 under the heading Microsoft Windows. See? There, hidden like a bug club in a box mikado .

Double click and uninstall wizard will open in a few seconds. The maneuver is very fast, but requires a typical restart Windows . And since Windows can not live without their beloved browser, the version that was restored is the eighth .

Removing IE9

There is an method even faster , which is to open the command execution (Windows + R) , paste the line C: \ Windows \ explorer.exe shell: :: { d450a8a1 -9568 - 45c7 - 9c0e - b4f9fb4537bd } and press Enter.


LiveView , a remote control for mobile

The mobile phone controlled by another wireless device. Sony Ericsson has unveiled LiveView. This accessory works with phones equipped with the operating system Android . It uses Bluetooth to connect to the phone without having to make this bag or pocket. In his small screen can read text messages , access to incoming calls and updates on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Control the applications phone's music and can display your calendar or agenda. The device can be placed on a wrist strap and worn as a watch.


This is the first accessory Sony Ericsson compatible with the open platform Android allowing developers to create new applications. To find the ones already available , Sony has developed an application that searches the store Android . It goes on sale later this year .

The fixture is a square of 3.5 cm side with a thickness of 1.1 cm, side controls and the battery can last four days. The screen OLED is 1.3 inches .


How to start a call with FaceTime without having to make a phone call

FaceTime is the option that comes with the new iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G to make calls with voice and video using the front camera, but the iPod Touch unlike iPhone 4 , you can begin the call easily just enter the application FaceTime , and the iPhone 4 you must first make a phone call and then when you answer the user to activate FaceTime .

Well, I bring you a free application called FaceNow iPhone 4 that allows you to initiate calls with FaceTime without making first a phone call.

FaceNow is very simple to use , just create a favorites list where you have to add contacts from your address book , then just by touching the name of one of your favorites start a video call using protocol FaceTime without using the cell line.

This no doubt you can save money because at least here in Mexico call you the charge by the minute and not per second.

link in App Store Free


Add thumbnails of the application to Dock Mac OS X

HyperDock is an application for Mac OS X that will add a new section to System Preferences where you can set some visual improvements to the Dock on your Mac, improvements you can add are many, but I liked is that you can see a preview of the application window open with just move the cursor mouse over its icon in the Dock.

HyperDock for Mac

All improvements that adds HyperDock your Dock are:

  1. Preview windows applications
  2. Add new keyboard shortcuts very useful
  3. Easily manage your windows, resize, move them , etc .
  4. Move windows between
  5. Spaces with just a keyboard shortcut
  6. Control iTunes from your Dock
  7. displays quickly events iCal

By the time HyperDock is free because it is a version beta , but on the official site says that when comes out the final version , this itself will cost , so take advantage and download now for free .



How to convert *.BAT to *.EXE

Files . BAT with scripts that can easily create and edit the Notepad of Windows, and its usefulness is very wide , such long talk of a sequence in a . BAT to cancel print when is jammed printer. BAT you have done and do not want users to change their code, it is best to convert it to an executable. EXE, for that we Advanced BAT to EXE Converter which is a program with a few clicks you can convert your files. BAT (files with scripts batch ) to run . exe with some additional options you can set before converting .


It also comes with a function to execute scripts in an " Invisible "in the background without showing the console window .

The executable files created with Advanced BAT to EXE Converter can run on any version of Windows from Windows 98 to Windows 7.



Application to connect via FTP from your phone with Android

If you have an Android phone and you have a website where sometimes you connect via FTP, I will present a free FTP client for Android that has impressed me is called AndFTP that supports FTP, SFTP and SSH to connect to servers remote.


Like any FTP client includes the necessary functions such as remote file browser, support for upload and download files, open, rename, copy, cut, paste, move files and more.

To download AndFTP have to look at the Android Market as AndFTP, or scan the QR code below with your phone.


Protect your Hotmail account with these new options

Windows Live Hotmail is the email service over used the world , although not the best there is no one with more users than it, and if you are a user you may have noticed that recently released a new version , well just add other new features, These specifications are to protect your account from Hackers that through deception, techniques Hijacking or Phishing steal user passwords for misuse of your account if the theft password Hotmail is real.

With these new options safely Hackers can not steal your password and to add these new features to your account you must activate them in the page " Overview Account "(https : / / account.live.com / summarypage.aspx) , there in the section " reset information Password " there are 2 new options are Phone Mobile and PC trusted.

Phone Mobile - With this option , when you want to reset your password , either because you've forgotten or I'll have changed , sends you the secret code to restore it via a text message to your cell phone.

PC trusted - With this option you can link your account with one or more computers that you use, and when you get to lose your password you can only retrieve it from the PC you have connected with your account, here you must be careful if you ever get rid of some of the PC you have linked , you have to detachment and re- link your new PC.


How To Fix messenger error code 85ae000b

One possible solution for those using Windows Seven or Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 is installed Messenger 2011 beta 2. Some readers have reported that installing this version of messenger has been removed error 85ae000b , each case is unique and what works for one may not work for others.

messenger 2011 beta 2 is not compatible with Windows XP , users of this operating system can try the following : Back to version 8.5, uninstalled the messenger that is currently installed from Add / Remove Programs and install the Messenger 8.5. If an error occurs when you install it, use the uninstaller messenger and try the installation again , if successful , close the messenger completely and install the patch anti -update, and log . The solution for most cases depends on Microsoft since many of the account affected , it is rumored that problem on the servers and the company does not provide an effective solution.


ErgoMotion mouse ergonomic that prevents injury

SmartFish Technologies introduced ErgoMotion a mouse , according to the company , is the only market able to prevent common injuries carpal tunnel , caused by repetitive motion when you use a traditional mouse. The device has a rotating mechanism that allows smooth movement of the hand and adapts to the user so that you can take action more natural. Compatible with : Windows XP , Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS X (10.2.8 or higher)


How to clean a carpet ?

We can not change a carpet dirty every month ... this trick allows you to clean your carpet and your carpet. And give them their original colors. Like new !

I see you every day walking to and fro on the carpet in your home. If so , do not deny it : our office is in the building opposite.

So here is our tip for clean your carpet. Very simple and accessible to all.

First you'll sprinkle salt evenly over the surface of your carpet. Then brush carefully all the salt to do it well into the fibers.

Then , wait a good quarter of an hour to as salt act . You 've earned a break .

Then give a great blow to vacuum everything. And now , cleaning is finished. Your carpet is clean. You can see the result : the colors are brightened and you do not come back .

What do you think about this stuff ? Give your opinion !

How to save?

By carefully following our advice stingy , you saw how clean all your carpet and your carpet without too breaking your head .

No need to search the right product , to pass the supermarket with a magnifying glass to find the one that is most efficient to queue at the checkout ... and spend your $.

Clean full your carpet with special products you would certainly have asked to buy several cans of product. What would have cost you between ten and thirty euros.

And if you make multiple cleanings per year, which is normal , you approach the hundred $ in savings!

Environmental bonus ! Handle products super stain is a risk that you do not want to because you know they are not all safe for health. There are mostly composed of chemical elements very unsympathetic .

Salt is a natural product and is equally effective, see more, since it enhances colors.

You also know it takes more clean our house with anything, because these products are used then not only in our bodies , but also in nature . You 're absolutely right .


How to unclog a pipe ?

What are the different ways to unclog a pipe ? Follow our tips and you 'll know what to do to unclog your pipes without spending too much.

First it must be prevented to heal. This is our first tip: every day get rid you of coffee , not in the trash, but by emptying in your pipes.

By slowly marc will drain with him the many impurities from your pipes.

Even simpler: unclog your drains with boiling water you pour simply into the hole.

Third thing : buy a ferret. is a flexible upper provided with tip at its end as you rotate in space that is blocked. This clears the trash blockers .

Finally , you have a garden hose. By introducing the hose in your pipe. You then send the water and pressure hunting elements that block the pipeline.

What do you think about this stuff ? Give your opinion !

How to save?

Of all the tips we offer to unclog your pipeline. The most expensive will be the ferret

Otherwise, any other tips will cost you little or nothing.

Tip of the hose is used only by those who live in homes of course , but all who live in these conditions have one.

Total a tiny spending only to unclog your pipeline. Compared to what you would have spent on plumber or products unblocking .

So a great savings by using our tips . It's nice :-).

Environmental bonus ! If you use products openers , your pipes may suffer : all plumbers can confirm this.

And plus you have to a lot rinse , so you increase your water consumption.

But you saw that the tips of our grandmother are good old simple tricks that work and that will not harm or your pipes or the nature by harmful emissions .


NTLDR is missing - NTLDR missing when you start Windows

Here's how to fix the error " NTLDR missing" What is NTLDR ? NTLDR is located on the partition bootable active , which means NT Loader, is the name of the boot loader of Windows 2003 , XP , 2000 and NT 4.0 and 3.x by cons , the current version of Windows ( Vista) did longer being used .

NTLDR.DLL is a library that has the task, the launch of Windows XP, load the "kernel "(or kernel) , that is to say, to be simpler, the operating system .

This file should never be modified, compressed or deleted , in which case your computer will not boot the system.


NTLDR can choose when several Microsoft Windows systems are installed on the same machine, which system you want to boot from the boot.ini . It is the chosen partition is considered in the general case as logical drive C :, although the separation between the boot disk and the disk system is provided elsewhere in the NT and its successors.

NTLDR Instructs the Windows NT kernel ( in general: Ntoskrnl.exe ) files hal.dll ( abstraction layer hardware ) , ntdetect.com ; then passes control to the kernel.

If ever it is deleted , you will start the error, namely : NTLDR is missing or NTLDR is missing

  • Replace the NTLDR

It is often this kind of mishap that Windows XP starts the PC shows a message on the screen that says " NTLDR is missing or corrupt " or " NTLDR is missing " , it usually means that is corrupted and XP is not running. There may be several causes, but they are identified and can be easily corrected.

Several solutions are available to you, but all do not work in every case:

- Put the installation CD when starting the computer and start the Recovery Console by pressing " R " and enter fixboot C: (where C : is the letter of the partition containing Windows ) and restart.

- Make a new copy of NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM : Start with the Windows XP CD , choose " R "to start the Recovery Console and then enter successively : D ( where D : is the drive letter of your CD ) cd i386 copy ntldr c: ( where c : is the letter of the partition containing Windows XP) ; copy ntdetect.com c:

- Reinstall Windows

  • First method

Try this:

Start the PC by pressing F10 to access the Recovery Console
When arriving at the prompt command c: \ windows >
Type this :

1. fixboot
2. say yes
3. cd \
4. attrib -h ntldr
5. attrib -s ntldr
6. attrib -r ntldr
7. attrib -h ntdetect.com
8. attrib -r ntdetect.com
9. attrib -s ntdetect.com

Now , if d : is the drive cd -dvd , type:

1. copy d: \ ntldr c: \
2. copy d: \ ntdetect.com c: \

or replace d: with the drive letter of your cd -dvd

  • Second method

To correct this problem, follow step by step the following method :
1: Go into the bios and make sure the first boot device is the floppy / CD / DVD.
2: Enter the Recovery Console by pressing R.
The Recovery Console allows you to change XP without starting XP. So many files, locked by XP are available .
3: Ensure that the LED " Num Lock " is on. If this is not the case, hit the key Num Lock (on the side or the numeric keypad) .
" Num Lock "is the keypad, it is better to be on " Lock numbers " when you type numbers. We rarely use this key in XP, because XP the automatically positioned on "numbers "when it starts.

4: To the question " On which Windows installation would you sign ? ", type 1.
Sometimes several XP are installed on a PC. Thus, the question is asked. But in general , there is only XP, the answer is " 1? , meaning "first XP met with .

5: Then type the administrator password (the password given during installation , which generally is not the password for your account, even if the account has administrator privileges. If we do not remember, try the Enter key directly.)
The Recovery Console is locked to prevent anyone who accesses and modifies data on the PC. Therefore a password is provided, but in XP home , it is blank standard. For the other XP, the password is required to install ... And we must remember ! Just in case, try this one user account .

6: In the Recovery Console, type " fixboot " and press Enter .
Then type " fixmbr " and press Enter .
" fixboot "and" fixmbr " are commands that repair the boot sequence (boot ) of XP. If the boot is damaged, XP does not know where to look its very first startup files , including the famous ntldr . The boot damaged is not so rare , so fixboot and fixmbr were planned: fixboot scans the disk to find files in question and fixmbr rewrites then a new " boot sequence " to than XP to boot normally .

(For more , watch out for spaces in the commands to type. For they are good, they are replaced by #, but they are many spaces)

7: When the transaction is complete, type " CHKDSK # C # / f # / r and press Enter .
CHKDSK is utility " check disk ", which checks the integrity of files on the disk. If the file ntldr (or another) has been improperly cut, for example, or if it was mixed with another file (it happens very often) , chkdsk reconstitute the or original files.

8: When the transaction is complete, turn off and on the PC.Si the problem persists, restart the console repair (steps 1-4 ), and when the prompt appears , type:
copy # d: \ i386 \ ntldr # c: \ and press Enter
copy # d: \ i386 \ ntdetect.com # c: \ and press Enter .
WARNING ! in the two previous orders , "D " is to replace the drive letter where the installation CD XP . For example if the drive letter is F , type:
copy # f: \ i386 \ ntldr # c: \ and press Enter
copy # f: \ i386 \ ntdetect.com # c: \ and press Enter
In case of doubt on the drive letter , type " map " and press Enter to locate this letter.

Accuracy: files ntldr and ntdetect may be read-only . case, a message will notify the command was not executed. the read-only , type
attrib c: \ ntldr -# R -# A # -S # -H and press Enter ,
attrib c: \ ntdetect # -R # -A # -S -# H then Enter key,
and repeat this step " copy " .

9: Repeat steps 5 , 6 and 7.

  • Information

, this fixes the majority of problems encountered with ntldr .
But it may be that ntldr , too corrupt , could not be repaired, or simply having been eliminated for one reason or another. The command " copy ... " recovers the original ntldr ( the one found on the CD) and the copy on the hard disk. The command potential " attrib " to change the attributes of these files, for example by removing the attribute " read-only , so writing or deletion or replacement impossible. "

Incidentally , the command copies the file ntdetect to the root ; this file is used to detect the OS version , and can also be damaged ( for example : giving false information to ntldr ) . The message " ntldr missing " also appears in this case . That 's why we took the opportunity to copy an ntdetec original . 8 - Once these two files " clean " are present, they must re - build the boot sequence , so revive " fixboot " and " fixmbr "and then reboot .

Last point before leaving the recovery console , type c: \ boot.ini and press Enter to verify that this file is present. If this is not the case , we must rebuild this file (it is not difficult, but must be tailored to each PC.

  • Third method

1: Go into the BIOS and make sure the first boot device is the floppy / CD / DVD.

2: Then insert the Windows CD in the drive and start the PC. When prompted , press any key to boot from the CD. Windows Setup starts.
3: When the Welcome screen appears, press "R "to access the repair console in Windows.

4: To the question " On what Windows XP installation want you to login? " enter the number corresponding to "C : \ Windows. " If only one installation, press " 1 ". The following line appears: "C : \ Windows > ".
5: Enter "cd \ "(without the " and respecting the space between cd and \. The following line appears: "C : \ > ".
6: Enter " d: "(if "d" is the letter for your CD / DVD). The following line appears: "D: \ > ".
7: Type " cd i386 " . The following line appears: "D: \ i386. "
8: Enter " fixboot c: ". To the question "The target partition is C :. Do you really write a new boot sector on the C: partition ? " answer " Y " ( Yes).
The following message appears: " The file system on the boot partition is NTFS . FIXBOOT writes a new boot sector. The new bootsector was successfully written. " Then the following line : "D: \ i386. "
9: Enter "copy ntldr c: ". If the question " Replace ntldr ? " appears , answer " Y " ( Yes). The following message appears: " 1 file copied " . Then the following line : "D: \ i386. "
10: Enter "copy ntdetect.com c: ". If the question " Replace ntdetect.com ? " appears , answer " Y " ( Yes). The following message appears: " 1 file copied " . Then the following line : "D: \ i386. "
11: Enter "exit ".
12: restarts Windows normally.


Twitter has announced that the problem of security flaw is resolved

Twitter has been hijacked by a young boy in Australia , aged 17 , he modified an idea from another user (a Japanese developer ) , who used a code related to JavaScript, to its tweets color .

Twitter users were directed to sites pornographic Asian ! Thousands of accounts were affected, one of the media is that of the wife of former British Prime Minister , Sarah Brown, who was left " defaced "with advertisements for pornographic sites , posted automatically as they came from the user himself .

Worms in the mini -messages exploiting a security flaw Twitter, and frequently used, can bring up a website third in a new window, and having the effect of triggering the opening of advertising unwanted even without clicking , just passing the mouse over links.

There is obviously the risk that cyber criminals direct traffic to infected sites or spammers multiply advertisements.

Computer experts advised against squarely going on the official website Twitter.com. In contrast, external programs , like Tweetdeck or Seesmic , which allow you to use the Twitter network without going through the site, did not seem affected by this problem .

Twitter announced on Tuesday that the personal data of registrants have not been affected and that the attack was identified and the problem is resolved.


Google is celebrating its 12th anniversary

Google is celebrating its anniversary with others, with a pretty Doodle , representing a cake and a candle which replaces L Google, designed by American artist Wayne Thiebaud.

Google was created on based 4 September 1998 in Silicon Valley , California , by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. But it is September 27 that the search engine as officially launched.

A researcher once said the Internet that if , before the arrival of the Internet, finding information was like finding a needle in a haystack , it is now as looking for a needle in a pile of needles.

This researcher has probably made this statement before the arrival of Google and new search engines, because the fact is that a lot of information that once required hours of consulting directories and visits to libraries , can now be in a few seconds with Google.

Control and a thorough knowledge Google requires of knowing how to use are many search tools . Know everything he is capable of not only facilitates the search for information , but also greatly improves your optimization techniques.

Happy Birthday Google

Find everything with Google


Google offers a variety of search functions more or less advanced , that many users do not know. Most of us use the basic function of Google, by typing one or more words in the search field .

Although this search most fundamental is the quotation mark ( " ) . You use it when you are looking for an exact phrase , rather than words in random order.

Try for example to type the following sentence into the search field: find a friend on the Internet.

You might find what you want, but you will also see much reference to pages where words are fragmented.

If you want to force Google to consider every word of phrase , enclose it in quotes. The research will be more accurate .

You can also use this method to seek more formulations accurate . In this case, you wrap each formulations quotes.

Google has for some years the search engine number one in the world.

Happy Birthday Google !


Tip iPhone : Use your mobile as a 3G modem

For some operators, the ability to use the iPhone as a modem for connect your PC to the Internet is included in the package . Longer need in this case to key 3G. For this, Windows 7 is really shows flexible. Two solutions exist: link direct iPhone to PC via USB cable or use a Bluetooth wireless connection .

But beware , before you start, make sure you have indeed this option in your phone plan . Otherwise , either handling not walk is your bill away feel strongly. Follow the guide!

With this method , the simplest and most reliable (there no risk of loss of connection when transmitting data between computer and telephone), the required action is somewhat numerous.

On the iPhone , press Settings, General, Network. Scroll the screen down , then press ICS. Hover on ON

In the dialog box that appears, press USB only. Connect your iPhone to the PC (after taking care to cut the Wi - Fi latter) . Windows recognizes the iPhone and then detects any single opportunity to connect to the Internet via the mobile. After a few seconds, the icon indicating that an Internet connection is established is displayed in the notification area. You can now surf the Web.

Forgot your USB cable? Not panic if your PC is equipped with a Bluetooth chip , you go straight to even able to use the iPhone as a modem to connect to the Internet over 3G .

On the iPhone , press Settings, General, Network. Scroll down and press Sharing Login. Place the cursor on ON.

In the dialog box that appears, press Enable Bluetooth. On the PC , click the system tray icon Bluetooth and select Show Bluetooth Devices.

A blank window Explorer appears : click top left on Add a device. In new window , select your iPhone and click Next.

the iPhone screen displays a request for pairing with a code. Rate it and press Twin.

On the PC screen , check code , check Yes if this is the right and click Next then Close. Your iPhone is now paired with your PC. It remains to use its connection.

Click on the icon for your iPhone in Windows Explorer remained on the screen and click on the menu Connection using and choose Access point. The Bluetooth connection is established. The reference Sharing Connection appears on the screen of the iPhone, on a blue background. You can now surf the Web with your PC using the connection of the mobile.

To stop the connection, click in the explorer window on Disconnect the device network. On the iPhone , drag the cursor ICS on OFF. Do not forget to disable the Bluetooth connection to save battery power (in the menu Settings, General, Bluetooth).


Tips and tricks for lose weight or how to lose weight?

The primary motivation for engaging in a plan must be for you and you alone to get out of the comparison: you are unique , your body is unique and well -being through reconciliation with oneself .

The best ally to lose weight : the time

To successfully lose weight, the first factor is to allow time to gradually lose the pounds that we no longer want . It is about respecting her body , take care of yourself and be consistent with the choice of the transformation so that it operates in harmony.
Losing weight properly can not be seen by eating everything. Eat well is to have a balanced diet.
It is important to be accompanied by a specialist who will give you the guidance and monitoring necessary to ensure that your plan is not a source of deprivation and danger to your health.
The plan is a start to a healthy diet . Without this overarching objective of rear-ender eat well , the plan do serves not only to nothing but is usually a source of weight regain and the famous yo-yo effect .

The 10 tips and rules to lose weight and lose weight

  1. A day balanced consists of three to four meals : breakfast , lunch , dinner and possibly a snack.
  2. Do not skip meals
  3. Eat in a calm and seated
  4. Have a physical activity, banish physical inactivity : done 20 minutes of daily walking
  5. Climb the stairs rather than taking the elevator , do not take the car for short trips
  6. Make your shopping list in advance to avoid temptations last minute
  7. Learn to read labels with the composition of products to choose
  8. Choose food base rather than products designed for both your nutritional balance for your budget
  9. Do your shopping at the market at least once a week, this allows :

- a variety of fresh local produce
- direct contact with producers
- An approach to food fun and educational with your children
- physical activity outside


BlackBerry Playbook Tablet

Finally people Research In Motion (RIM) Has launched what will be your tablet to compete with the iPad, the name of the tablet is Playbook, which has some very interesting I'm sure many are going to love , but before you go to see the technical characteristics here is the video official presentation of Playbook.

characteristics technical Playbook:

  1. Capacitive touch screen LCD with support multitouch 7- inch, 1024 x 600 WSVGA
  2. system improved operating supports multitasking BlackBerry Tablet OS
  3. Processor Dual Core 1 GHz
  4. 1 GB of RAM
  5. Two cameras HD ( front camera of 3 MP and camera back 5 MP ), supports video recording FullHD 1080p.
  6. Video playback FullDH 1080, H.264, MPEG, DivX, WMV
  7. Audio playback: MP3, AAC, WMA
  8. Video Output HDMI
  9. Wi -Fi - 802.11 a / b / g / n
  10. Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
  11. It has connectors: microHDMI, microUSB and connectors for charging.
  12. platform application development open and flexible with support for:
    • HTML5 based on WebKit
    • Adobe Flash Player 10.1
    • Adobe Mobile AIR
    • Adobe Reader
    • POSIX
    • OpenGL
    • Java.
  13. It is ultra thin and portable
    • Measure (130 millimeters x 193 millimeters x 10 millimeters)
    • Weighs less than 400 grams
  14. RIM offer models WiFi only in the beginning, but future will have versions 3G and 4G .
  15. It expects its U.S. launch is in early 2011 , and the rest of the world after May 2011, we do not know the exact date of his arrival, but to Mexico as expected , maybe late a bit more than expected .