You were the first to download , you have installed and thoroughly tested ; and now , fed up after binge WebSlices eyelashes transparent , accelerators and sites suggested , want to get rid of him.
I understand very well. So we're going to tell you how to uninstall Internet Explorer 9, the latest version of Microsoft's browser . Procedure is simpler than you think.
How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 9
Okay, I see you decided to uninstall IE9 despite its many and misunderstood qualities . Do not waste any more time, then: go to Control Panel and open Programs and Features. Internet Explorer 9 is not listed, it is considered an upgrade. Click View installed updates.
Wait for the list complete of completed and looks Windows Internet Explorer 9 under the heading Microsoft Windows. See? There, hidden like a bug club in a box mikado .
Double click and uninstall wizard will open in a few seconds. The maneuver is very fast, but requires a typical restart Windows . And since Windows can not live without their beloved browser, the version that was restored is the eighth .
Removing IE9
There is an method even faster , which is to open the command execution (Windows + R) , paste the line C: \ Windows \ explorer.exe shell: :: { d450a8a1 -9568 - 45c7 - 9c0e - b4f9fb4537bd } and press Enter.