Here's how to fix the error " NTLDR missing" What is NTLDR ? NTLDR is located on the partition bootable active , which means NT Loader, is the name of the boot loader of Windows 2003 , XP , 2000 and NT 4.0 and 3.x by cons , the current version of Windows ( Vista) did longer being used .
NTLDR.DLL is a library that has the task, the launch of Windows XP, load the "kernel "(or kernel) , that is to say, to be simpler, the operating system .
This file should never be modified, compressed or deleted , in which case your computer will not boot the system.
NTLDR can choose when several Microsoft Windows systems are installed on the same machine, which system you want to boot from the boot.ini . It is the chosen partition is considered in the general case as logical drive C :, although the separation between the boot disk and the disk system is provided elsewhere in the NT and its successors.
NTLDR Instructs the Windows NT kernel ( in general: Ntoskrnl.exe ) files hal.dll ( abstraction layer hardware ) , ; then passes control to the kernel.
If ever it is deleted , you will start the error, namely : NTLDR is missing or NTLDR is missing
- Replace the NTLDR
It is often this kind of mishap that Windows XP starts the PC shows a message on the screen that says " NTLDR is missing or corrupt " or " NTLDR is missing " , it usually means that is corrupted and XP is not running. There may be several causes, but they are identified and can be easily corrected.
Several solutions are available to you, but all do not work in every case:
- Put the installation CD when starting the computer and start the Recovery Console by pressing " R " and enter fixboot C: (where C : is the letter of the partition containing Windows ) and restart.
- Make a new copy of NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM : Start with the Windows XP CD , choose " R "to start the Recovery Console and then enter successively : D ( where D : is the drive letter of your CD ) cd i386 copy ntldr c: ( where c : is the letter of the partition containing Windows XP) ; copy c:
- Reinstall Windows
- First method
Try this:
Start the PC by pressing F10 to access the Recovery Console
When arriving at the prompt command c: \ windows >
Type this :
1. fixboot
2. say yes
3. cd \
4. attrib -h ntldr
5. attrib -s ntldr
6. attrib -r ntldr
7. attrib -h
8. attrib -r
9. attrib -s
Now , if d : is the drive cd -dvd , type:
1. copy d: \ ntldr c: \
2. copy d: \ c: \
or replace d: with the drive letter of your cd -dvd
- Second method
To correct this problem, follow step by step the following method :
1: Go into the bios and make sure the first boot device is the floppy / CD / DVD.
2: Enter the Recovery Console by pressing R.
The Recovery Console allows you to change XP without starting XP. So many files, locked by XP are available .
3: Ensure that the LED " Num Lock " is on. If this is not the case, hit the key Num Lock (on the side or the numeric keypad) .
" Num Lock "is the keypad, it is better to be on " Lock numbers " when you type numbers. We rarely use this key in XP, because XP the automatically positioned on "numbers "when it starts.
4: To the question " On which Windows installation would you sign ? ", type 1.
Sometimes several XP are installed on a PC. Thus, the question is asked. But in general , there is only XP, the answer is " 1? , meaning "first XP met with .
5: Then type the administrator password (the password given during installation , which generally is not the password for your account, even if the account has administrator privileges. If we do not remember, try the Enter key directly.)
The Recovery Console is locked to prevent anyone who accesses and modifies data on the PC. Therefore a password is provided, but in XP home , it is blank standard. For the other XP, the password is required to install ... And we must remember ! Just in case, try this one user account .
6: In the Recovery Console, type " fixboot " and press Enter .
Then type " fixmbr " and press Enter .
" fixboot "and" fixmbr " are commands that repair the boot sequence (boot ) of XP. If the boot is damaged, XP does not know where to look its very first startup files , including the famous ntldr . The boot damaged is not so rare , so fixboot and fixmbr were planned: fixboot scans the disk to find files in question and fixmbr rewrites then a new " boot sequence " to than XP to boot normally .
(For more , watch out for spaces in the commands to type. For they are good, they are replaced by #, but they are many spaces)
7: When the transaction is complete, type " CHKDSK # C # / f # / r and press Enter .
CHKDSK is utility " check disk ", which checks the integrity of files on the disk. If the file ntldr (or another) has been improperly cut, for example, or if it was mixed with another file (it happens very often) , chkdsk reconstitute the or original files.
8: When the transaction is complete, turn off and on the PC.Si the problem persists, restart the console repair (steps 1-4 ), and when the prompt appears , type:
copy # d: \ i386 \ ntldr # c: \ and press Enter
copy # d: \ i386 \ # c: \ and press Enter .
WARNING ! in the two previous orders , "D " is to replace the drive letter where the installation CD XP . For example if the drive letter is F , type:
copy # f: \ i386 \ ntldr # c: \ and press Enter
copy # f: \ i386 \ # c: \ and press Enter
In case of doubt on the drive letter , type " map " and press Enter to locate this letter.
Accuracy: files ntldr and ntdetect may be read-only . case, a message will notify the command was not executed. the read-only , type
attrib c: \ ntldr -# R -# A # -S # -H and press Enter ,
attrib c: \ ntdetect # -R # -A # -S -# H then Enter key,
and repeat this step " copy " .
9: Repeat steps 5 , 6 and 7.
- Information
, this fixes the majority of problems encountered with ntldr .
But it may be that ntldr , too corrupt , could not be repaired, or simply having been eliminated for one reason or another. The command " copy ... " recovers the original ntldr ( the one found on the CD) and the copy on the hard disk. The command potential " attrib " to change the attributes of these files, for example by removing the attribute " read-only , so writing or deletion or replacement impossible. "
Incidentally , the command copies the file ntdetect to the root ; this file is used to detect the OS version , and can also be damaged ( for example : giving false information to ntldr ) . The message " ntldr missing " also appears in this case . That 's why we took the opportunity to copy an ntdetec original . 8 - Once these two files " clean " are present, they must re - build the boot sequence , so revive " fixboot " and " fixmbr "and then reboot .
Last point before leaving the recovery console , type c: \ boot.ini and press Enter to verify that this file is present. If this is not the case , we must rebuild this file (it is not difficult, but must be tailored to each PC.
- Third method
1: Go into the BIOS and make sure the first boot device is the floppy / CD / DVD.
2: Then insert the Windows CD in the drive and start the PC. When prompted , press any key to boot from the CD. Windows Setup starts.
3: When the Welcome screen appears, press "R "to access the repair console in Windows.
4: To the question " On what Windows XP installation want you to login? " enter the number corresponding to "C : \ Windows. " If only one installation, press " 1 ". The following line appears: "C : \ Windows > ".
5: Enter "cd \ "(without the " and respecting the space between cd and \. The following line appears: "C : \ > ".
6: Enter " d: "(if "d" is the letter for your CD / DVD). The following line appears: "D: \ > ".
7: Type " cd i386 " . The following line appears: "D: \ i386. "
8: Enter " fixboot c: ". To the question "The target partition is C :. Do you really write a new boot sector on the C: partition ? " answer " Y " ( Yes).
The following message appears: " The file system on the boot partition is NTFS . FIXBOOT writes a new boot sector. The new bootsector was successfully written. " Then the following line : "D: \ i386. "
9: Enter "copy ntldr c: ". If the question " Replace ntldr ? " appears , answer " Y " ( Yes). The following message appears: " 1 file copied " . Then the following line : "D: \ i386. "
10: Enter "copy c: ". If the question " Replace ? " appears , answer " Y " ( Yes). The following message appears: " 1 file copied " . Then the following line : "D: \ i386. "
11: Enter "exit ".
12: restarts Windows normally.