For some operators, the ability to use the iPhone as a modem for connect your PC to the Internet is included in the package . Longer need in this case to key 3G. For this, Windows 7 is really shows flexible. Two solutions exist: link direct iPhone to PC via USB cable or use a Bluetooth wireless connection .
But beware , before you start, make sure you have indeed this option in your phone plan . Otherwise , either handling not walk is your bill away feel strongly. Follow the guide!
With this method , the simplest and most reliable (there no risk of loss of connection when transmitting data between computer and telephone), the required action is somewhat numerous.
On the iPhone , press Settings, General, Network. Scroll the screen down , then press ICS. Hover on ON.
In the dialog box that appears, press USB only. Connect your iPhone to the PC (after taking care to cut the Wi - Fi latter) . Windows recognizes the iPhone and then detects any single opportunity to connect to the Internet via the mobile. After a few seconds, the icon indicating that an Internet connection is established is displayed in the notification area. You can now surf the Web.
Forgot your USB cable? Not panic if your PC is equipped with a Bluetooth chip , you go straight to even able to use the iPhone as a modem to connect to the Internet over 3G .
On the iPhone , press Settings, General, Network. Scroll down and press Sharing Login. Place the cursor on ON.
In the dialog box that appears, press Enable Bluetooth. On the PC , click the system tray icon Bluetooth and select Show Bluetooth Devices.
A blank window Explorer appears : click top left on Add a device. In new window , select your iPhone and click Next.
the iPhone screen displays a request for pairing with a code. Rate it and press Twin.
On the PC screen , check code , check Yes if this is the right and click Next then Close. Your iPhone is now paired with your PC. It remains to use its connection.
Click on the icon for your iPhone in Windows Explorer remained on the screen and click on the menu Connection using and choose Access point. The Bluetooth connection is established. The reference Sharing Connection appears on the screen of the iPhone, on a blue background. You can now surf the Web with your PC using the connection of the mobile.
To stop the connection, click in the explorer window on Disconnect the device network. On the iPhone , drag the cursor ICS on OFF. Do not forget to disable the Bluetooth connection to save battery power (in the menu Settings, General, Bluetooth).