I do not know if it's an isolated problem with my equipment, or if some other users have happened, but the fact is that using Gnome (the default desktop environment for Ubuntu) after several hours of use this gets a little slow sometimes slow to respond to menus.
Recalling that there are other desktop environments like Xfce lightweight Linux and LXDE (formerly known as Fluxbox), I decided to install the first one and go to the difference in stability and speed has been brutal. So without wasting any more time, here the instructions to install Xfce on Ubuntu:
First add the repositories of Xfce (housed in Launchpad) to our sources.list file, so they wrote in a terminal:
sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list
This will display the editor Gedit with our current list of repositories, we move at the end of the file and paste the following line:
http://ppa.launchpad.net/jerome-guelfucci/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main deb
Save changes and close the editor Gedit, which will return to the terminal and once there, proceed to add the key (key) of the repository we add a few moments ago. So you type in Terminal:
gpg - keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com - recv 0E23917F5D9DCE6C
This will download the key from the repository to our team, now we'll add it with the command:
gpg - export - armor 0E23917F5D9DCE6C
Now we need to update our repository so that all their content is available in our system, they enter into the Terminal:
sudo aptitude update
Now if we proceed to install Xfce 4.6 on Ubuntu by entering the following command:
sudo aptitude install xfce4
Additionally we can install other related to extra Xfce4 packages. If this is your case you can find them from the same terminal with the command:
xfce4 sudo aptitude search
With these steps Xfce 4.6 will be installed on your system, or what is the same: Your Ubuntu can now be transformed into Xubuntu. Of course you may notice that we are still working for the Gnome environment, so now to start using Xfce just enough to close our session, and select "Desktop Xfce" section of "Session", all on the screen Welcome to our system.
Left a screenshot of my desktop with Ubuntu Jaunty 4.9 running the Xfce 4.6 desktop environment (click to view full size - 1280 × 800):
Xfce Desktop
A as you can see, Xfce 4.6 is fully compatible with most GTK themes for GNOME, as well as the effects of Compiz Fusion.