- Get special outfit.
Finish the campaign mode and you can choose clothes in the character mode is selected .
- Making special titles.
When you're lost in space, have some advantages can not do more than improve things. To unlock you have to fill gaps securities actions.
- Devil May Cry : You must have a file saved in "Devil May Cry 4. "
- BSAA : Have a saved file of "Resident Evil 5 "
- Street Fighter : You must have a file saved from " Sreet Fighter IV . "
- Unlock characters.
To fight with some very special characters , fulfill the following requirements:
- Albert Wesker : Have a game of "Resident Evil 5 " saved.
- Devil May Cry Noms de Guerre : you need a game of "Devil May Cry 4 " saved.
- Frank West : the same, but this time with the game " Dead Rising " .
- Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago : Complete campaign mode on any difficulty.