The Internet Is Serious Business.

See You In Vice CityWhen you can take the form of your enemy, then put the people in an angst against it, you have the enemy at your mercy and you can rally a people. This world is a shattered image of what is meant to be trivial. Paint me the jerk that lurked. Super mortal human. We’ll say it just means ‘very’.

I do hope you don’t forget me, 5 years is a long time, we met after a recommendation from a new friend who I found had died before I even got to see his works. It was good to be acquainted, the pleasure was all mine, I can assure.

Have you ever looked at those sites with the screwed up videos and seen the atrocities that happen in the name of the beliefs that to this day have only been a source to divide the people of our world?

Motherf*ckers marketed diversity and dividends to the psyche and lied through the mouths of believers preaching unity knowing that in the end a credit crunch would further fracture the unity that no war driven nation could ever dream to truly provide anyway, pretend to be surprised about it. I want to turn the world on its side and make it question this shit.

You’ve got to pay the ultimate toll to cross this bridge, there is no coming back from a population of ego centric separatist pretenders unless the whole world molds to conform to that deformity of the human collective soul, super mortality is adaptable but separation is obviously not a fruitful state for any relationship, on any level.

Who the f*ck do I think I am, some ask. I have often wondered who the f*ck you think you are to question me or turn your nose to me in shock and disgust that perhaps things aren’t always the way some think that they are. That maybe there is a little more to those M Knight Shamamadldjslsna movies, that maybe someone out there knows what the f*ck we are and knows how to bend you not to. Or maybe I was just trolling. Really?

It is not quite a question of the chicken or the egg coming first, but for the record, PS3 is doing exactly what I said it would, episodes are coming to PC and PS3 at the end of 1 year exclusivity, Obama got elected, with Hilary “definitely not the VP but definitely on that fine man’s cabinet” – To keep listing how many things have come to light would make this paragraph as un-web-friendly as myself.

With what some of you know you’ve seen me say, only closed minds or denial in fear would prevent you to ask yourself how much of the other things I’ve said should not be disbelieved so quickly.

It’s not the kind of sh*t you can just brush off. I did throw in some stinkers once in a while though ;)
