Windows 8 Only Need to Restart Once a Month

Microsoft has promised that the next version of its operating system fewer reboots required after a system upgrade.

Normally after applying a security patch or other update, Windows needs to be restarted because the files that need to be updated are in use or can not be modified until you restart your PC, and Microsoft has realized that is something that bothers most users.

On a blog post published in Building Windows 8, Farzana Rahman wrote that one of the most discussed topics when it comes to Windows Update is the disorder that generates rebooting when performing an update, which has led the company to study the best way to upgrade the operating system without disturbing the user in designing the process of updating Windows 8. This is fast update, especially if it is a breach of security, no constants appear prompts that ask the user to restart.

Windows 8 Only Need to Restart Once a Month

Microsoft's decision is that Windows Update will only need a reboot once a month, Namely the second Tuesday of the month, when the company releases its security bulletins. This means that users only need to restart Windows 8 once a month Except, of course, safety-critical cases that need to be applied immediately.

When the update occurs, the new Windows Update process will notify the user having to restart, leaving time for it. The notification will be displayed in the login window and kept for three days, instead of being constantly get messages.

After that period of time, Windows 8 will perform a automatic restart, but only so the PC is locked or not running any applications and files are open.

Microsoft still does not give a specific launch date for the new version of Windows, expected sometime in 2012.