Tips and Cheats StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

Here are some tips for Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty PC. These tips are actually typing code after pressing the button "Enter" in the midst of play careful however, because these codes to have different effects result from the success of the game off You've been warned.

Effects and codes

  1. 5000 Minerals: stroaksmolts
  2. 5000 Minerals and Gas: smoldersbolds
  3. 5000 Vespene Gas Gas: realmendrilldeep
  4. Access all Broadcasts UNN: StayClassyMarSara
  5. Disabling conditions defeat ypoonsvoicemail
  6. Disable Fog of War # 1: TookTheRedPill
  7. Disable Fog of War # 2: sawnoutofmemory
  8. Disable food needs: mintmansoperator
  9. Disable victory condition: tyuhasleftthegame
  10. Disable the ability "Cooldown" HanShotFirst
  11. Disabling conditions defeat NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender
  12. Disable technical needs: SoSayWeAll
  13. Disable time of day: Qrotero
  14. Rapid construction # 1: CatFoodForPrawnGuns
  15. Rapid construction # 2: reversingnazaire or basestarsprimative
  16. Quick Heal # 1: ImADoctorNotARoachJim
  17. Quick Heal # 2: fsbcomunicacion
  18. 5000000 Credit: whysoserious
  19. 5000 Custom Resource: DZMHairSpring
  20. 5000 Minerals: SpectralTiger
  21. 5000 of each resource: WhoRunBartertown
  22. 5000 Terrazine: Jaynestown
  23. Provide resources: jaynestown
  24. Instant Defeat: LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven
  25. Instant victory: WhatIsBestInLife
  26. Invincibility and increased damage: terribleterribledamage
  27. Losing the game in progress: cadeasygoin
  28. Selection of mission: lyingpect
  29. Open the menu of cinematic: eyeofsauron
  30. Open the menu "UNN broadcast": furabranchery
  31. Play the song "Terran Up the Night": OverEngineeredCodPiece
  32. Show the last code entered: =
  33. Remove reserves "Cap": Bunker55AliveInside
  34. Search for points of agreement: wapboinkers
  35. The units and structures no longer cost resources: moredotsmoredots
  36. Unlock all missions: LeaveYourSleep
  37. Unlock all options Search: HoradricCube
  38. Upgrade weapons, armor and shields one point IAmIronman
  39. Win the game in progress: cmethodfeedback