Just one part of the U.S. is able to enjoy connections WiMax and you're about to reach WiMax 2. It seems Samsung wants to change that by supporting this standard and it seems that he is doing working with UQ Communications.
During the fair CEATEC in Japan Samsung and UQ Communications were boasting about the speed you can achieve WiMax 2. The protocol that characterizes this technology is the IEEE 802.16 , using the rapid and efficient communication that this standard can be showed 16 Full HD and 3D in 4 screens simultaneously.
The maximum connection was reached 330Mbps 2 using the WiMax standard , I feel it considerably higher than Mobile WiMax. 2 WiMax is expected to be ready later this month and begin to be marketed in late 2011 . Hopefully, more carriers ( worldwide) strive to offer better service and begin to adapt to new standards, which are not only within the U.S.