Comparison of the Google Apps TV with Apple TV, Roku and Boxee Box

Yesterday Google officially launched the web what will be their attempt to enter the world of Internet television . One area that already has some tour of some companies with experience in the case of Boxee box, Apple TV, RokuAnd so on.

Within the new Google Web TV We could confirm some things we already knew, as agreements with local companies and cable television , social networking applications and music among other things. All this translates to big Google decided to launch its Internet TV platform , which seeks nothing more popular to be firmly planted their competitors.

The search giant has been working with some leading technology and media to optimize content Google TV, including news sites such as The New York Times Some music sites ( Vevo , Pandora and Napster) , social networks ( Twitter), and other online content networks ( ). Obviously , YouTube was first included.

As I mentioned the launch is imminent, and of course, if it is backed by companies such as TBS , TNT , CNN, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim NBC (CNBC ) , HBO , including the channel of the NBA in HD. It is clear that only a beginning and is expected to be available the Set- top box Logitech or HDTV Sony. But what I would look around in Google TV? The real -time translation At some point I mentioned and or mobile applications for the Web Although I am sure we will soon have a Google executive giving good news.

is so much content, and generally the companies make similar partnerships, we decided to share a table with applications , and will not have the devices so far are direct competitors.

Do not forget that Google TV and Boxee Box browsers that allow you to enter up to services that are not in applications. On the other hand, Netflix is available on the PC application Boxee , but for now , is not available for the case ( confirmed to be) .

I can not finish post without clarifying that are early applications , mostly in Google TV and the most logical is that as time goes on the list increases, especially if Goolge integrates Android Market as will Apple with Apple TV.