Mono 2.8 released, with support for C # 4.0

The Mono project, or . NET to Linux as is known by many, is a very ambitious project we have been following a lot in Visualbeta and so, besides the constant updates as we have known alternative projects MonoDroid (To carry the Android platform) or MonoTouch, The iPhone version.

Now is the Mono version 2.8, With full support for version 4.0 of C #, ending a journey that had begun with the Mono version 2.6. Thus, mcs compiler now offers support for dynamic linking and a garbage collector, or collection of elements very efficiently.

Also incorporated in this version build support for AOT (Ahead-of-time), which converts intermediate code . NET native code at compile time, allowing developers the ability to create static binaries and eliminates the need for a JIT (Just in Time). There is also reached new frameworks, such as Parallel Framework and the System.XAML, or three that Microsoft has licensed as Open Source, as in the case of System.Dynamic, Managed Extensibility and ASP.NET MVC Framwork 2.

More information: Mono 2.8 Release Notes