How to install applications that are not free in Ubuntu Linux

These days is circulating a new version of Ubuntu 10.10 and if you are from those just trying Ubuntu I will recommend a package that is very necessary that Ubuntu should include by default, but did not come, is called Medibuntu (Media, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu) Is a repository of packages that can not be included in the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons (copyright, licenses, patents, etc.).

The mission Medibuntu is to provide all the capabilities of the encoding reproduction and most Windows and Mac systems contain, but that the Ubuntu developers refuse to include in their systems by default due to licensing restrictions and lack of open source for those functions. If you just want to get AAC playback, view copyrighted movies on DVD and the latest versions of all audio codecs, video and font files, then you need Medibuntu on your system.

To install Medibuntu need to add new repositories on to the next command in the Terminal:

sudo wget - output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list.d / medibuntu.list $ (lsb_release-cs). list & & sudo apt- get - quiet update & & sudo apt-get - yes - quiet - allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring & & sudo apt-get - quiet update

And then you will need to run the following command to install Medibuntu:

sudo apt-get - yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
