Galaxy Tab Samsung Bluetooth Stylus, much more than a simple pencil

With a name so long that it is hard to pronounce it in one sitting has created electronic pen designed by Samsung to manage your tablet, Samsung Bluetooth Stylus Galaxy TabPromises to be much more than a simple pointer.

An electronic pen, the Samsung Bluetooth Stylus Galaxy Tab which will also more easily navigate the device's screen, intelligent writing and running some functions by incorporating Bluetooth connection.


The worst thing Samsung Bluetooth Stylus Galaxy TabIs perhaps the price, you can still change, since the product is still being preserved, but is too expensive for what it offers, at around 60 euros.

Perhaps the argument raised by Samsung price they considered a mere passing fad, as Samsung Galaxy Tab incorporates a capacitive-sensitive screen, with which it is necessary to use Samsung Bluetooth Stylus Galaxy Tab. It may therefore, from the mark have also decided to sell it separately and not in a pack with the tablet.

The main functions of Samsung Bluetooth Stylus Galaxy TabMentioned above will be allowed to write that using the recognition system to include Android and thanks to its Bluetooth connection can accept or reject such phone calls using the device.