Download photos from Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket with Desktop Photo Downloader

If you've ever wanted to download photos from services like Flickr, Picasa or Photobucket you might have noticed that some photos do not have that option and clicking the right button to save the image as you keep an image is actually empty, as these services have their trick to download pictures of them, but to make things easier for tools such as Desktop Photo Downloader is a free tool to download photos from the main image hosting services.

The difference between Desktop Photo Downloader and other services is that this tool uses RSS to download the photos, making it compatible with many sites such as Flickr, Picasa Web, Photobucket, Fotocommunity and Panorama to name a few.

To download photos click on the button Add Feed"And this will open a window where you have to select the service from which you need to download the images and then you enter the address of Feed, Feed the direction you get it on the same page for example on the page of a Flickr photo search where it says RSS Feed, that the link.

Desktop Photo Downloader is compatible with Windows and is a completely free and open source.
