How to know the size of MySQL Database in bytes


It shows you information about tables in a database. Among the areas that shows you there is one that is' Data_length ' , well, that's what took the data from each table.

What happens is that in addition to the data, can also represent what a lot of space allocated for each index. And this is indicated in the ' Index_length '

To obtain the total value of the database, it occurs to me to use , eg PHP to retrieve all the values and add them later.

It would be something like:

PHP Code :

mysql_connect ( data link) or die ( mysql_error ()) ;

mysql_select_db (" dbname " ) or die (mysql_error ()) ;


$ Result = mysql_query ($ sql ) or die (mysql_error ()) ;

$ Total = 0;

while ( $ table = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result))

$ Total + = ( $ table [' Data_length '] + $ table [ ' Index_length ']) ;

echo $ total;

That is, the variable $ total as we took the database " dbname "(in bytes).

To show that value in KB, is easy ...

PHP Code :

$ total_temp = $ total / 1024;

$ total_kb = number_format ($ total_temp , 0, ",", ".")+1;

/ / later ...

echo $ total_kb ;