Blackberry Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts allow you to work in a more quick and agile in our devices. As in the computer with a simple Ctrl + C - Ctrl + V do wonders, devices Blackberry also have keyboard shortcuts that provide us things.

How to Enable shortcuts keyboard on a BlackBerry

If you're like me , you like your life easier , with these shortcuts you can help Menejador the blackberry easier.

First you must turn off " Dial from Home Screen "to do so follow these steps:

  • 1 .- button green Send
  • 2 .- Up to the top, then press menu button general options.
  • 3 .- Change in NO " Dial from Home Screen " , Escape, Save.
  • A- Lock
  • B- Search
  • C -Calendar
  • D -Calculator
  • E -Explorer
  • F -
  • G -Google Talk *
  • H -
  • I- AOL Instant Messenger *
  • J- Folder Kept
  • K -
  • L-
  • M- Messages
  • N- BlackBerry Messenger *
  • O- Options
  • P-
  • Q- ICQ *
  • R- Search Contacts
  • S -Adding Tasks
  • T - Registry Call (phone)
  • U -
  • V-
  • W -
  • X -Windows Live Messenger *
  • Y- Help or Yahoo Messenger *
  • Z -

* Depending on the applications are installed .

Do not forget to comment and add your shortcuts. These shortcuts are tested Blakcberry BOLD (9700 and 9000) with OS .

Here are some more

  1. Alt + button back allows us to start the application switcher - This option can also be configured as a hot key in Options - Screen / Keyboard -

The key combination Alt + Cap + H allows us to see the software version of the platform , PIN , battery level in percentage , free space and total space of the Blackberry, among other things.

  1. To reset the device just using the combination Alt + Cap + Del
  2. With key ' D ' can answer an email, sms or conversation Messenger .
  3. Writing mypin + space (if the keyboard is English) or mipin + space (in Spanish ) in a window sms or Messenger we know the PIN of the device.
  4. Same with Myver or MiverDepending on the language setting , we can verify the software version of the device.
  5. For the date write LD.
  6. For advanced users is the shortcut Alt + LGLG that shows the logs.

In the gallery :

  1. Depends on the language setting can move pass a photo to another by pressing ' S ' ( below) and 'A' ( above). With the English keyboard would 'N ' (next ) and ' P ' ( previous) .

In the Web browser (with the keyboard in Spanish):

  1. 'A' allows us to update the window.
  2. ' D ' We can see the address of the page you are seeing, and also gives us the option to copy or send the link.
  3. ' P ' climbed all the way until the beginning of the website.
  4. ' F ' go to the end of the site.
  5. 'R ' open the search option .
  6. 'I' we went to Go to ...
  7. 'G ' allows us to add favorites .
  8. 'H ' allows us to check the history .
  9. ' Z ' allow us to zoom.
  10. 'N ' leads to the home page.
  11. 'M ' allows us to address to your bookmarks.
  12. Moreover, the Spacebar can tour the site web without the scroll wheel .

Select text , Copy , Cut and Paste:

  1. To Select text we hold the key Shift and the trackball to the right or left.
  2. To Copy keep down Alt and then pressed the trackball.
  3. To Paste hold Shift and then press the scroll wheel.
  4. To Cut keep down Shift and then Of.