Keyboard shortcuts allow you to work in a more quick and agile in our devices. As in the computer with a simple Ctrl + C - Ctrl + V do wonders, devices Blackberry also have keyboard shortcuts that provide us things.
How to Enable shortcuts keyboard on a BlackBerry
If you're like me , you like your life easier , with these shortcuts you can help Menejador the blackberry easier.
First you must turn off " Dial from Home Screen "to do so follow these steps:
- 1 .- button green Send
- 2 .- Up to the top, then press menu button general options.
- 3 .- Change in NO " Dial from Home Screen " , Escape, Save.
- A- Lock
- B- Search
- C -Calendar
- D -Calculator
- E -Explorer
- F -
- G -Google Talk *
- H -
- I- AOL Instant Messenger *
- J- Folder Kept
- K -
- L-
- M- Messages
- N- BlackBerry Messenger *
- O- Options
- P-
- Q- ICQ *
- R- Search Contacts
- S -Adding Tasks
- T - Registry Call (phone)
- U -
- V-
- W -
- X -Windows Live Messenger *
- Y- Help or Yahoo Messenger *
- Z -
* Depending on the applications are installed .
Do not forget to comment and add your shortcuts. These shortcuts are tested Blakcberry BOLD (9700 and 9000) with OS .
Here are some more
- Alt + button back allows us to start the application switcher - This option can also be configured as a hot key in Options - Screen / Keyboard -
The key combination Alt + Cap + H allows us to see the software version of the platform , PIN , battery level in percentage , free space and total space of the Blackberry, among other things.
- To reset the device just using the combination Alt + Cap + Del
- With key ' D ' can answer an email, sms or conversation Messenger .
- Writing mypin + space (if the keyboard is English) or mipin + space (in Spanish ) in a window sms or Messenger we know the PIN of the device.
- Same with Myver or MiverDepending on the language setting , we can verify the software version of the device.
- For the date write LD.
- For advanced users is the shortcut Alt + LGLG that shows the logs.
In the gallery :
- Depends on the language setting can move pass a photo to another by pressing ' S ' ( below) and 'A' ( above). With the English keyboard would 'N ' (next ) and ' P ' ( previous) .
In the Web browser (with the keyboard in Spanish):
- 'A' allows us to update the window.
- ' D ' We can see the address of the page you are seeing, and also gives us the option to copy or send the link.
- ' P ' climbed all the way until the beginning of the website.
- ' F ' go to the end of the site.
- 'R ' open the search option .
- 'I' we went to Go to ...
- 'G ' allows us to add favorites .
- 'H ' allows us to check the history .
- ' Z ' allow us to zoom.
- 'N ' leads to the home page.
- 'M ' allows us to address to your bookmarks.
- Moreover, the Spacebar can tour the site web without the scroll wheel .
Select text , Copy , Cut and Paste:
- To Select text we hold the key Shift and the trackball to the right or left.
- To Copy keep down Alt and then pressed the trackball.
- To Paste hold Shift and then press the scroll wheel.
- To Cut keep down Shift and then Of.