It is very common to see people who use more than one social network or using specialized customers to access services from the official site. In both cases the problem is that we should be changing the application or website to keep abreast of what happens in every social network, but that's not Babble will be no problem for this application integrates Twitter and Facebook in one application .
So, with Babble can be aware of what's happening on Twitter and Facebook from a convenient and simple interface, we also have the ability to organize things by tabs, search, filter, and interact with each of these benefits.
When you open the first show you the preferences window where you must enter their account data. Also, you can specify some aspects like the appearance and behavior of the program. With all this you can start using the application through his eyelashes. This mode is very similar to that offered by Safari, as each social network will have its own tab as well as its content: search, profiles.
Among the most remarkable is its ability to stay organized all the information, since the entire interface (tabs, icons, notifications ...) is to indicate how many entries have not read, and with the option "Data Miner" we grouped all information, whether by trends, hashtags or content type.
From my point of view is an excellent alternative Babble clients like TweetDeck, as it has similar options and is lighter to be a native application. It is also a free application and is compatible with Leopard and Snow Leopard.