How to fix Live Messenger error Code 80004005

There are several ways to solve the Messenger error 80004005 . Here are some of them

To fix this error make sure that the time and date on your computer are correct.

  1. Double click on the Windows clock that appears at the bottom right of your monitor. This opens the properties window date and time.
  2. Make sure that the date (day , month and year) and time are correct.
  3. Once you put all the details correctly click " OK "
  4. For the changes to apply to the programs you must restart the computer.

If you continue having problems , another possibility is that error 80004005due to a malfunction of Windows Live Messenger when storing your username and password. Check if you enabled the options "Remember my username and password " in the login window and if so , uncheck the box "Remember my password " and click where it says " but remember my account ". Try to log in without redialing none of these options and see that the problem disappears.