Health Tips Know Your Baby Allergies in Children

Health Tips Know Your Baby Allergies in Children, allergies are immune reactions that deviate from normal conditions to stimuli or substances from outside the body and can cause adverse symptoms of the body. Symptoms are often, among other things, vomiting, diarrhea continues the sometimes accompanied by blood, atopic dermatitis, such as red spots and itching, recurrent respiratory problems such as cough and asthma. If allowed, would interfere with allergy and child growth could be more severe, such as asthma attack.

In the future, the number of children’s allergies, such as Tania and Amel, predicted greater. Pediatrician Dr. Haunersches Kinderspital von Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Sibylle Koletzko, said there is an increasing incidence due to genetic factors, environmental, and immunology (immune response disorders).
The more developed a country and makes the reduced infectious disease cases increasing allergies. Genetic factors are not expected to change much so that there are factors other causes. Allergies still keeps many mysteries. One allegation is that the immune system is not prepared to deal with things from the outside which is considered as a threat. In fact, the threat of the weakest, such as pollen. Cleanliness is the better to make the body more sensitive.

Trend that had already experienced European countries. Allergies in children in Central Europe tend to increase. In 1973, bronchial asthma and 4 percent to 21 percent in 1996. Allergic pattern may vary between countries.

In Indonesia, cases of allergies start high. Zakiudin Munasir from the Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia pointed out, in Jakarta, atopic dermatitis prevalence reached 24.6 percent.

Allergic disease is only about the children who have a talent allergic (atopic). Talent reduced allergic one or both parents. Sibylle said the highest risk, if both parents and one sibling suffering from allergy-risk reached 85 percent. Other risk factors are smoking, do not get breast milk, pollution, and diet.

At the age of 0-6 months and 0-1 years are usually allergic to foods and eczema (a chronic skin disorder) dominant. High asthma rate of events after the age of three years and a peak at the age of 7-15 years. Allergic rhinitis (nasal itching and runny nose), the highest prevalence at the age of 15 years.

Zakiudin said there are various types of allergens, ranging from foods, mites, balm, animals, drugs, until the bees. One of the frequently encountered is allergic to cow’s milk. From the data Allergy-Immunology Division Department of Pediatrics RSCM, cow’s milk allergy in children four percent of allergy cases. Indeed, atopic dermatitis (skin inflammation) in children 30-45 percent due to cow’s milk allergy.

While foods that often cause allergies, among others, beans, eggs, fish, and shrimp. Skin tests on 69 children with asthma allergy Allergy-Immunology at the Poly-RSCM FKUI show, about 45.31 percent of allergy to crab, 37 percent of small shrimp, and 26.56 percent in chocolate. Additives, such as seasoning, and synthetic materials, such as preservatives (benzoic), flavoring, and coloring (tartrazine), are also prone to cause allergies so you should keep your baby’s health.

According to Sibylle, “Especially for food allergies. Diagnosis is too lax or too much is not good. If too loose, the child will be constantly suffering from various disturbances. Conversely, the diagnosis of excessive food consumption will limit the growth of the child so disturbing. ”

The only way to cope with allergies in children is to avoid an allergy to food or the right trigger and not try and error. Sometimes there are parents who deliberately gives food to her child allergy triggers in the hope that the child’s body increasingly intolerant and not allergic anymore. This way can become a boomerang for the child because it could trigger dangerous allergies. source