Connect to xbox 360 internet

  1. Internet connectivity:

    You can hire Xbos version Live Silver ( free, but no online play ) or Gold ( worth 5 euros per month). To begin, click "Join Xbox Live. " If you tenĂ­airs account in the original Xbox press " recover gamertag " .


  • If you have a prepaid card (available in stores) , press the Xbox button and go to the tab " bazaar . " Press " Redeem Code. " If you use a credit card , enter in the bazaar of video games , choose the product and press X. The currency used is the Microsoft Points (100 MP will be 1.20 € )

3. BUY :

  • From the main menu , choose the category bazaar bazaar game or video. There, you can choose between categories new arrivals, the most popular or view all . In the bazaar of video , you can download or rent videos Films in independent films.


  • From the main menu , enter the category , and choose My Xbox game library or video library , as appropriate. Once inside , you can check for the latest or by the category in which frame the product.