Filming with the iPhone

This is one of the main news of iPhone 3G S, it is now possible to film and edit videos directly on the iPhone. Although experts know the iPhone through certain manipulations was possible to film with the previous version.

Filming with the iPhone

With the previous version of the iPhone it was possible to film with some modifications in the operating system. You had to do previously jailbroken iPhone to install a program like Cycorder or Videorecorder. However, it should be noted that the jailbreak is a violation of copyright.


Filming the 3G iPhone S

The iPhone 3G S incorporates the possibility of filming and editing the footage.
To shoot, nothing more simple, just press the camera in the iPhone interface. You can shoot in portrait or landscape mode. The white balance is performed automatically. The iPhone records 30 frames per second, enough to hang your videos on Youtube or Dailymotion.
Edit the footage
After recording a video, you can edit. However, do not expect a powerful tool for editing: you can simply remove a sequence at the beginning and end of the video. To edit a video, put it in play and press the iPhone's screen to display the tool. Then delete the images you want.