Touchqode, Code Editor for Android

The size of the screens smartphones currently allows use for almost anything and although it seems a bit too complicated to program because Touchqode is a code editor for Android and soon iPhone. Touchqode allows you to edit and fix your code from anywhere, anytime.

Touchqode has the following characteristics:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Special keyboard for developers
  • Code Hints
  • File Synchronization
  • Incremental search
  • Support for the following languages: PHP, Java, C + +, C #, Python, Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, and simple XML.
  • FTP Client

code editor

Developers when a project are always thinking about how to solve certain details and often inspiring moments happen when away from their computers, but touchqode may access their project and raise your idea or repair the detail that much pain head caused.

His support for PHP, HTML and JavaScript along with your FTP client makes it an ideal tool for Web developers and you never know when any problem may arise in the projects and are not near your computer to fix it quickly and you better touchqode to do so.

Of course that is not comfortable editing code from a smartphone but I consider it a tool that can be very useful. Touchqode is available on Android Market and the iPhone developers soon released a version for this platform.

As a personal anecdote I can comment that a couple of times I had to enter WebAdictos server through ssh terminal (with the app TouchTerm) to correct errors, restart the server, and even edit code in PHP and was not comfortable but I could solve the problem in minutes.

Developers who follow us What do you think of the tool?
