Flickr Wallpaper Rotator, get your wallpapers automatically from Flickr

There are excellent tools to obtain and rotate our wallpapers automatically, as John's Background Switcher, Wallpaper Juggler, Webilder (For Linux) Dream Desktop, And today we will know another call Flickr Wallpaper Rotator.

In this case, as the name suggests this is a utility that get images from Flickr  Either through the use of tags or user specified, and in both cases we can specify multiple comma separated. Then we can only specify the range of rotation of the wallpaper and the format or status (normal, stretch).flickr-wallpaper-rotator

Also, as we see in the picture above, we can specify the application to use only the favorite images from a particular user, which in many cases be a good idea if we know that your pictures are usually of good quality.

Flickr Wallpaper Rotator is a freeware tool, compatible with Windows 7, Vista and XP, and only requires the. NET framework 2.0 or higher.
