Microsoft warns against 'hacking' Windows Phone 7

The first 'jailbreak' Phone for Windows 7 is on the Net and Microsoft has responded. The company recommends that users who do not use the application to release these terminals as this may void your warranty and cancel the access to the Marketplace.

Microsoft does not win seems to trouble with your Windows Phone 7. In the middle of the month came to light a security failure Zune The portal with applications of this system. Due to failure, users could access codes and information reserved for applications through XML Atom feed reader.

Users could even get the source code for each application. The codes obtained are not allowed to use the Phone application in Windows terminal 7, but it worked on simulators used by developers.

Unofficial applications

Last week a new security problem affecting the mobile system from Microsoft. With the jailbreak ChevronWP7 'users can enter unofficial applications on the terminals to the system of Microsoft, as well as implement new features. From Winrumors explains that this 'jailbreak' could be the key to use the data and codes contained in Atom XML.

Microsoft already has given a formal response. The developers are advised to encrypt their applications are not accessible to any reader of 'feed' or any similar application. This aims to end the problem of access to the codes and data from your application list.

As for the 'jailbreak', Microsoft is showing totally against other users to run on their terminals and warns of possible consequences. "We encourage people to use your Windows phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best experience possible," explained a company representative to Winrumors.

Phone unusable

"The attempt to unlock a device could void the warranty, disable the phone functionality, cut access to Windows 7 or make the phone unusable," said the company.

Although so far from Microsoft limited to summon the proper use of the terminal, it is expected that future system updates containing some measure of security to try to control these failures. Microsoft already provides the possibility of cut off access to Internet services from terminal "pirated"Policy which the company has used in similar situations with their console Xbox 360.