42 million downloads for Angry Birds

Creating a successful game for mobile platforms is not easy, but the creators of Angry Birds have succeeded and have gone far beyond what could be expected under normal conditions because they have got 42 million downloads, and those that remain.

Michael Hed, CEO of RovioThe company behind Angry Birds, Said at the conference which has now LeWeb the game has been downloaded 12 million times in your form of payment and 30 million in its free version. Most come from paid downloads iPhoneWhile many of the free version belong to the Android -Rovio decided that advertising was free but because of 'inconsistencies in the prices' of Market.


Thanks to this success Angry Birds has become a saga versions, one for Halloween and other holiday with an inspired performance in the advent calendar, but the funny to the fans has been the launch of an online store that sells cute plush inspired birds and pigs in the game.

But besides all this, Rovio have admitted they are already preparing Angry Birds 2 and, thanks to success in mobile operating systems, also plan to make versions Facebook, Chrome and next year hope to port to Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. There are also projects that could lead to a television series or movie.

Absolutely amazing how far we can get a group of angry birds with a handful of green pigs.