With all this Firesheep (Which can also be webOS executed) And BlackSheep, The truth is you have to take extra security measures. For users of Mac OS X an excellent open source tool for this task is Sidestep That our navigation routed through a proxy when we are sailing in an open wireless network or unsafe.
To take advantage of Security Sidestep extra features you need to tell a proxy that will be responsible for routing the traffic for us safely. And here we have two options: either we do it with another Mac (one that is always on) or configured via a web, through the various services available to it or even through our web server (if you have a site a web hosting service.)
In any case, the website is no help for installing the server, and once we have done and Sidestep have installed the application will remain on the menu bar of Mac OS X waiting for us to connect through any network insecure or open, and there will do its part, offering the ability to route traffic to navigate more safely.