How to Make Your iPhone 3G to HD quality video recording

Incredibly, you can record HD quality video with the iPhone 3G camera in order to do this you only need to do Jailbreak, Have any 4.x version of IOS, and the ARM Cortex processor that comes with the iPhone 3G is able to handle 720p video encoding, and the reason why the 3G iPhone does not record at that quality is because Apple has imposed a limitation on the software that a hacker named Mike has been avoided to allow video recording resolution 1080 × 800 at 30 frames per second up to 20Mbps and the default settings for recording video on the iPhone 3G is 640 x 480 @ 3Mbps.

Here are the instructions to follow to achieve the recording of video in HD quality from 3G iPhone:

  1. You should first make Jailbrea your iPhone if you do not, (steps to make the Jailbreak with Greenpois0n)
  2. Once the Jailbreak application checks for and installs Cydia OpenSSH and restart your iPhone by the end of
  3. Connect your 3G iPhone with your computer. Make sure that is not open
  4. Download and install Cyberduck Mac or WinSCP for Windows, then enter the following information to access your iPhone:


    • Server: The IP address of your iPhone, you see it in this Settings -> WiFi -> The name of your network
    • Username: Root
    • Password: Alpine
    • Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)


    • Server: The IP address of your iPhone, you see it in this Settings -> WiFi -> The name of your network
    • Username: Root
    • Password: Alpine
    • Protocol: SCP
  5. Download file and unzip it, find a file called N88AP.plist, AVCapture.plist, CameraRollValidator.plist and MediaValidator.plist
  6. Now on your iPhone, navigate to the path / System / Library / CoreServices / / and places the file in there N88AP.plist
  7. Now go to this other path: / System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/N88 / and places the files in there: AVCapture.plist, CameraRollValidator.plist and MediaValidator.plist
  8. Now just reboot your iPhone 3G and it's all

Here you can view this video recorded with the camera of a 3G iPhone in HD.