Discover security flaw in Google's Android

A U.S. technology company discovered a security flaw in the Android mobile operating system from Google, Published today in the German version of "Financial Times".

Because it is possible to spy on emails and other sensitive information on your smartphone, the paper said. A spokesman for the computer company Coverity announced that this afternoon there will be a press conference with the details of the study.

For the analysis took a phone from the Taiwanese firm HTC with Android, according to the Financial Times Deutschland. " HTC is one of the leading companies that use the Google system.

In recent months, Android has significantly expanded its market share against competitors such as Symbian (Nokia), Blackberry (RIM) and IOS (Apple).

Worldwide, one in four has Android smartphones. In the third quarter stood as the leading program in the U.S. with a market share of 43.6 percent, according to marketing firm Canalys, ahead of iOS iPhone and BlackBerry.