Crackdown 2: Deluge DLC November 16

Ruffian Games work still has to show Crackdown 2 of Xbox 360 and a new version for the Windows operating system Phone 7.

The first material to come will be the new downloadable content "Deluge" offering a new game mode for four players in cooperative and will be available on Xbox LIVE on 16 November for 560 Microsoft points.

The DLC mode also includes another 16-player online game called "Orb Capture"As well as new achievements and awards avatar.

While for Windows Phone 7 will appear later this month
Crackdown: Project Sunburst, A tower defense game to use as scenarios Bing maps. Also this game will be interconnected with Deluge, so will unlock new weapons, fulfilling the vaunted integration WP7 and Xbox LIVE.