Acer announces plans for its own tablet

Not a day let alone a new tablet And indeed, users who are paying attention to this sector are finding insurance with a slight overbooking of news. This time, Acer is the manufacturer that follows the path taken by Apple, Samsung, Archos and many others, performing their own device tablet for next year 2011.

Acer is a company with great reputation, and that is often characterized by offering products of value for money carefully, so that the less, this new device deserves our attention to discover its characteristics. Why not, your operating system will be based on technology from the huge Google Android.


At the moment it is confirmed that the Acer tablet hit the market in April next year 2011, but it is unknown what their retail price.

It has been revealed so far, the tablet Acer have the Acer user interface, a 1GHz processor, a 4-megapixel rear camera, port HDMI, And output of 720p HD video. Moreover, and certainly not like those found in the iPad an appropriate device for navigation, the Acer tablet will be able to play content Flash 10.1