iPhones with new screen sizes on the way?

Shaw WuAnalyst Kaufman Bros. have been detected by sources in the supply chain Apple that the company works Several models iPhone equipped with new screen sizes:


Our sources believe that these rumors represent the arrival of a new business model: iPhones low and high-end complement to an intermediate iPhone 4. An iPhone "mini "or "nano "would be plausible in the wake of the latest iPod nano.

It appears that progress toward these terminals is such that it could reach the U.S. market in first half of next yearEven in their first trimester of multiple operators and labor Verizon , T -Mobile and Sprint. It would end the exclusivity of AT & T and would initiate a strategy to carry the iPhone the entire spectrum of consumers:

We believe that Apple is opting for the wisdom to offer alternatives to an iPhone 4 appeals only to users of middle class / high . Articulate a phone line to three bands as is done with the iPod you can extend its range of buyers and make things even more difficult to competition.

¿iPhones more expensive and cheaper than the current model after reduction or enlargement of screen? How do you see ? It is assumed that these plans be true , Apple have thought of a strategy to avoid the fragmentation that such diversification would bring mobile.