How to make calls from your iPhone FaceTime 4 to Android , Symbian , Windows , Mac OS X and vice versa

How to make calls from your iPhone FaceTime 4 to Android , Symbian , Windows , Mac OS X and vice versa

Many people have been waiting for the protocolod and FaceTime will open so you can connect to other devices and not just the iPhone 4, 4G iPod Touch , but also can call a PC , Mac or other phones systems such as Android , Symbian, etc . , it officially has not reached a solution but there is an alternative called iMovicha that it is a platform for video conferencing application that runs on IOS, Symbian , Windows Mobile , Android , Windows and Mac OS X (and soon will be available on BlackBerry).

The greatest feature iMovicha is the possibility of video calls from the Smartphone to the PC , eg Windows iPhone .

Addition iMovicha has other features such as video calls , voice calls , instant messaging, group management , contact management and more.

Everything so far so good , but the problem is that there is an application approved by Apple , so it can only be installed by the Jailbreak your iPhone 4, for this you can use JailbreakMe for the moment only works on devices with IOS 4.0.1 or lower.

No doubt this would be reason to add to Jailbreak.

Relay more information about iMovicha, you must register to use the application.