Due to the large number of users that they have not been able to upload photos to facebook from your Blackberry, and also the inability to developers Facebook to solve this problem, we must find effective alternatives to upload photos to Facebook.
Now, while trying to upload a photo using the application itself from Facebook, we get a red "X" and not allow us to upload the photo , there is an solution although alternative is equally effective if done as follows (a I think) and for that I decided to do a mini -tutorial for the beginner.
1. The first step is to log on to our Facebook account from a computer and go to the following address : Facebook Mobile Facebook
2.1 We note that e-mail
2.2 In our Blackberry, go to the Address Book , press the Blackberry and select ' New Direction ' .
2.3 The name, place Facebook mobile to differentiate it from our other contacts, and e-mail field , put the mail that leaves us in the image of point 2.
2.4 and finally Save the contact.
3. Now we go to the folder where have your images either the SD card or device memory, which I guess most of us we do . Select the image you wish to upload , press the key Blackberry and select the option "Send as e -mail. "
4. After that :
Here in the "CC : " write "Facebook phone " (this is the contact you created in step 2). It is important to remember the name of the contact that store , because in this way, there will be a suggested list of users match those you already have in your address book.
On the other hand, in the subject field is the footer of our picture , and finally pressed the button Blackberry and press send and in seconds and our picture should be charged at our Facebook profile .
While it might look a method " cumbersome " , as we want to upload more photos just have to go from step 3. There is a solution to the problem of the Facebook application but a very good alternative for those of us who do not want to stay without uploading .