Problem in Nokia N73 - memory full

Problem is in a file called lifeblog.db found in the folder lifeblog \ database. It is a hidden file and you will not see unless you use a third-party browser such as Lonely Cat Games X- plore.

Lifeblog is an application that Nokia provides and is available for both PC and mobile and is responsible for leading a timeline of all communication and the photos you take with your phone. You can find the application in the Applications menu .

Lifeblog loses track of the texts and images on your phone, so if you've deleted a lot of data on your phone (either deleting them or transferring them to PC as a backup) it's worth going to Lifeblog on the phone and make sure that are not there and have been eliminated.

If the data continue to appear (or if there are objects that are no longer on the phone ) you can update Options- > Update Timeline. Alternatively do not need the Lifeblog application , so you can remove it from the phone but do not know whether the database will be deleted.

You could also try formatting or rebooting the phone and there are two ways. The first is to press * # 7370 #. This will restart the phone to factory settings and erase most of the things the phone ( contacts, connection settings, etc). Be sure to make a backup before trying this option.

If that does not work, try holding down 3 * while turning the phone . By doing this , you will see the word " formatting . " But be careful with that delete everything, so a backup before proceeding.

Finally, note that when you restore the backup is likely a problem with the memory full back again because they also restore the file lifeblog.db