When you drop a cell phone or liquid above submerges it is very likely to have been the end of our mobile phone. After having penetrated the liquid in the cell structure, they can fix it depends on the amount of liquid that falls off, how long was the equipment in the water, what type of liquid fell (water, soda, alcohol) and how many pieces have been damaged.
The most common course, is that in the case of water, if we got our cell filled a bathtub would not be very optimistic to think that no solution. It can lead to arrange a specialist store which involves replacement of parts, but the arrangement could go as expensive as the original price of the mobile, however, there may be someone willing to pay for personal reasons, because of the content included in your appliance . In general, experts recommend not sending mobile repair more than three damaged parts.
Either way, what should you do if you drop your mobile water, is:
"Immediately remove the battery and SIM card (the memory chip of the cellular device.)
-Leave to dry the phone, just in air or in a plastic bag to cook rice with rice without boiling. Leave the bag in the sun for at least 24 hours should eliminate some of the water.
Untreated water, if it is coffee, wine, chlorine, or other liquid try to do the same, but do not put much hope.
Because this neglect is as frequent users there has been a page that directs visitors to learn themselves to fix their phones with some type of damage. Of course, the first thing is the anticipation, the cell to avoid giving small children, do not take him to the bathroom or steam rooms, protect it with covers, etc.