Roundup Tracks Child Sexual Predators

Now a day’s teens are the most regular visitor of porn sites, at such a small age without knowing the meaning of legal & illegal they use to watch, share, and chat porn related stuffs. In India these kinds of activities are illegal though children are of small age still doing same from internet cafe, etc.

After research computer scientists have developed new software that would help police catch people who possess and share illegal images and produce child pornography for the Internet. It is a program which alerts investigators when p2p user’s shares porn images but it wouldn’t hack anyone’s account only allows an investigator to watch the open activities of remote peers on the network. It is knows as Roundup.

This will help stop cyber crime little bit also children will be afraid doing such a criminal activities. A good step has been taken by University of Massachusetts Amherst computer scientists to develop good tracking software. It will also spread knowledge of law amongst youngster. Link to roundup 1.4.15