Nutrition and Stimulation, Lock Optimal Growth

Through a combination of proper nutrition and stimulation are also given early, so the child can grow and develop optimally and normal. Development and growth of children plays a vital role for the life of a child in the future. Healthy is not enough, but to be seen whether the growth and development aspects are in accordance with the stages of child’s age.

A child’s growth is marked by the increasing physical size and physical structure of a child, while the developments related to the development of functions that include motor skills, cognition, language, and social.

In order to produce a quality generation platinum, it is necessary to the existence of children who are able to grow and develop optimally through nutrition and a balanced nutrition, which is given to children during the process of growth and development in progress.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of understanding in depth, many Indonesian children who cannot grow optimally.

“Differences of age require different nutrients and stimulation. Nutrients needed are those that have the ability to support the ability of the brain (brain care) and also have the ability to support the immune system (body defense)

He continued, an important synergy between the intelligence of the brain with the immune system, will help optimize the process of child growth and development. While on the other hand, the effective stimulation through the experience should be given to the child’s early (early experience) and also the environment that can enrich a child’s growth process optimization (enrichment environment).

“Through a combination of proper nutrition and stimulation are also given early, so children can grow and develop optimally and normally characterized by balanced abilities, both in terms of physical, mental, emotional, language, cognition, behavior, which in turn can forming platinum generation, “adds the doctor who called Dr. Henry is familiar.

The provision of nutrition and stimulation does not guarantee a child grow and develop optimally, because the two things are rendered accurately, sustainable and in accordance with the needs of children. Therefore, he argued, required the observation of children in order to be detected at an early stage the possibility of deviation of growth and development.