Market Street Review

Introducing the newest game from Playdom entitled Market Street. For the meantime you can only see the application’s facebook fan page because the games are not yet launched or opened its servers. But then we are trying so hard to share to you the latest and effective Market Street Cheats that can give you a one click advantage in playing this newest simulator game in Facebook. Even though I’m one of the pioneer and not so expected for a maximum exposure on the game, it gave me the idea about its gameplay according to its Fan page on facebook, it seems like the main idea or theme of the Market Street is shopping and store management has a lot in common with Mall World and Fashion World. According to the Facebook Fan page of Market Street here are their descriptions:

Hire your friends, stock your displays, fire the slackers. Build the world’s most successful retail store in Market Street!
Love the game? Use the Reviews tab above to give us a 5 star rating! Even though Market Street has not opened it servers, rest assured that it’ll be opened soon for Playdom is preparing for a massively huge release of Market Street. The game looks amusing because of its color and it gives me the idea that it’ll be a hit. To be updated about the news and updates about Markets street’s official launch become a fan and be one of the pioneer player’s of Market Street. source:here