Irrational Games feels that could have created a better Bioshock

The first Bioshock is considered a masterpiece, but according to its developers, could have been much more memorable.

Itself Irrational Games. The developer of the title, has admitted that for reasons of budget , hardware and time, could not create the total experience they were thinking for the original Bioshock actually admit that " the whole game could have been improved . "

Shawn Robert, Irrational Games creative , has commented: "We think that the whole game could have been improved . There are lots of things we wanted to do better, but it is never a perfect world when you're developing a game , you always have to adapt to the hardware, time and budget . "

He admits that in the original Bioshock experience was limited, since most of the situations could be resolved with just the use of two weapons. Now with Infinite Bioshock want to enhance the user's creativity : "When you look Infinite Bioshock we realized that we want people to be creative and think about different tools that can be used in many ways, " he says.