Have already released all the achievements of Halo: Reach , moments descriptions you have here , When we know the scores of each update this page.
Achievements Halo: Reach
- Complete the Campaign on Normal difficulty.
- Complete the Campaign on Heroic difficulty.
- Complete the Campaign on Legendary difficulty .
- Complete all the missions in Halo: Reach alone on Legendary .
- Complete the second mission in Normal or Hard.
- Complete the third mission in Normal or Hard.
- Complete the fourth mission on Normal or Hard.
- Complete the fifth mission in Normal or Hard.
- Complete the sixth mission on Normal or Hard.
- Complete the seventh mission in Normal or Hard.
- Complete the eighth mission in Normal or Hard.
- Complete the ninth mission in Normal or Hard.
- Complete the tenth mission on Normal or Hard.
- according Complete mission without setting foot in a vehicle driven .
- Eliminates two vehicles at once with the Target Locator on the third mission .
- Hijack a Banshee in Campaign Reach.
- Kill the Elite Zealot before escaping during the mission in May .
- Make a murder before an Elite survive.
- Destroy the "Corvette 's engines & escort "in less than three minutes on the sixth mission on Heroic or higher.
- Just the ninth mission on Legendary with Scorpion intact.
- Get a triple death using the Jetpack on Capano, Firefight , or Matchmaking.
- Moa kills seven in the second mission of the Campaign.
- Removes anti - aricraft 3 batteries in the eighth mission.
- Use the Medical Kit to fill life after getting injury.
- Make a killer on an enemy.
- Kill 10 enemies in a Firefight mode session or escutcheon M6G pistol .
- Kill 10 enemies in a Firefight mode session or escutcheon with the DMR.
- Traded arms with an AI in campaign mode .
- Kill 10 enemies in a Firefight mode session or escutcheon with a bang super-combined .
- Let your companions reappear next to you 5 times in a game Invasion Matchmaking.
- Get the first Strike Medal Matchmaking mode .
- Win a game of Invasion in the first position.
- Get a Killing Spree in multiplayer matchmaking .
- Get a medal Killionaire Firefight mode .
- Play as Elite and Spartan kills 5 players in Matchmaking mode .
- Get 15,000 points in Score Attack Firefight Matchmaking.
- Get 50,000 points in Firefight mode .
- Get 200,000 points in Firefight mode .
- Get 1000.000 points in Firefight mode .
- Complete the game on Legendary without dying Firefight .
- Buy an item from the armory that requires the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
- Achieved the rank of Corporal in the UNSC.
- Reach the rank of Captain in the UNSC.
- Use the search engine files to load a file from your File Share.
- Complete all daily challenges on a given day .
- Purchase an item from the Armory.
- Recommend a file to someone.
- Update a " Commendation "state "Silver"
- Complete a Weekly Challenge .