finalfantasy8 - Status Effects / Attacks / Abnormalities

finalfantasy8 Status Attacks
Status attacks allow characters to simultaneously inflict status effects on enemies while physically attacking them. Many kinds of magic inflict a status abnormality on your opponents. For example, if a character junctions the magic sleep, his or her physical attack is likely to subject the target to this this abnormality. To achieve this duel attack, you must choose junction option in the main menu. Following this choice, you must choose junction magic on the junction menu. Go to ability St-ATK-J (once you have already junctioned a GF that has learned the ability). If this ability is available, it will appear in the white above the HP on the magic junction screen. You must scroll to the left twice to encounter this ability on the screen. When you have done this, you can select the status attack ability and choose the magic you wish to junction to it. The probability that a character will cause a particular status abnormality when attacking can be increased by different factors: