The Data Locker Portable Hard Drive Spec and Price

The Data Locker Portable Hard Drive USB 2.0 connection , according to its manufacturer , the safest of its kind. offers an integrated encryption AES 128/256 bit rate , this level of encryption is used by the United States government to protect sensitive data. The touch screen LCD Data Locker allows using a numeric keypad to enter a PIN of 6-18 characters created by the user and only after typing the correct code, the computer will read the Data Locker and you can access the information.

Data Locker Portable

As the authentication procedure is executed in the Data Locker and not on your computer, keyboard loggers , forced attacks and viruses may not allow access to their data to anyone else. It works without relying on the computer that is connected , without having to install any drivers or software , so the Data Locker will work the same with a PC to a Mac

If you wish, you can activate self-destruct mode and you can rest assured that in case of loss or theft of the unit Data Locker, the data is not read . If someone tries to guess the password and enter the device will self-destruct mode the number of failed attempts and when it exceeds 3 attempts will turn off the computer , forcing restarting again and again . After nine attempts to input code, the Data Locker will permanently delete the encryption key . Without key to decrypt the data stored in the Data Locker will be inaccessible.

It weighs 256 grams and measuring 12 inches by 7 | Capacity: 320 GB , 500 GB , 750 GB , 1TB . Purchase information : Datalockerdrive - Prices : personal | pro -aes | enterprise