Battle Punks Review

As we notice now a days, computer games has been dominated by Flash or Java Games hence there are countless of games adding in our list just to consider as the popular source of entertainment today but then it is the social network is on the middle of another new game across the sympathy of every player. And in this post we want to give you a free trip to our fresh guide for Battle Punks.

But what is Battle Punks anyway? This is the newest application available on Facebook games that let you create your character, armed for a battle and compete with your friends. You have one goal and that is to dominate the game by building the fittest character. So we are your guide for the strong character you have ever wanted. So long for battle punks cheats thus we gonna give you a basic ounce of guide or should I say the tricks I playing this game.

The first thing that is very important I in playing computer games not only for Battle Punks but for all application is that you need patience. We all know that patience is a virtue thus in venturing for weapons you need not to buy expensive weapon for the early games since powerful weapons can be looted as your adventure goes on.

At the early levels, you have the opportunity to make money in an easy ways since you can kill opponents that are lightly arm and less dangerous so you can take the advantage from this situation. Just be minded that each map has its level of difficulty so if you want to get the advantage, stay enough from easy level until you get the desired weapons/arm for your character. Loot as much as you can.

If you don’t want to deal with elite or boss character existing on the game, be aware on the serpent symbol that you can notice on your enemy. This is good way on how can you refuse to make a battle for difficult enemy.

Be wise in rolling out the battle because it would cost 5 coins unless you have the Battle Punks Cheats you can run away from your enemy as many times as you want. It is also important to read the descriptions on every weapon you gathered you can find it somehow the essential weapon for a certain enemy so don’t bother to lay a minute for reading the details with your item.

Ultimately, the most important tricks you can do for your battle punks account is to be updated by visiting this website for cheats and secrets that we will discover as we both enjoy this newest game on Facebook.source:here