4. Starting a new Project in C#

This section of the tutorial will show you how to create a new Project in C#, so we'll be able to start programming. You can skip this part if you already know (or figured on your own) how to do this. The procedure is fairly simple. Just follow the next few steps:

1. Open your C# 2008 Express Edition (or whatever you have installed)
2. Click File > New Project
3. Select Windows Forms Application (or similar)
4. Enter the Name of your new application
5. Click Ok

Following these steps should give you a screen similar to this one:

So, let's take a quick look on the screen:
In the center you have an empty Form. This is where you design how your application will look, and eventualy this is where you'll write your code. On the left, there is a ToolBox with various controls you can drag onto your form to give it some funcionality. On the right, you'll find the Solution Explorer and the Properties window. On the bottom of the screen you'll see your Error List / Debugging window where the studio will show you all needed information about your program. Before moving on, go to your Solution Explorer window, right click on 'Form1.cs', select Rename, and enter 'frmMain.cs'. And finally, save your project.
