13. Chasing the mouse

In our game, we'll use the mouse as an input device. Player will be able to click anywhere in the game field, and we'll have to figure out if he clicked a block, or an empty field. If the player clicks on the block, we'll have to check if it's connected with any other block of the same color, and we'll have to destroy the blocks if so. And to add a little feature, we'll take away one point for every mouse click. (Wich reminds me… We'll have to make a score counter, real soon.) So, how the hell can we find out where the user clicked? Lucky for us, the Picture Box in wich we draw our game field, has a MouseClick event. So, we'll use it to see if the user clicked anywhere on the game field. But how to find out on what block the user clicked? A little basic math will help us solve this problem. We already have defined that the block field is 32 pixels in width/height. And lucky for us, VS.net can give us the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen, and in relation to the clicked object. That means, that VS will give us the distance from the top and left borders of the picture box, measured in pixels. So, those are the ingreedients. Let's mix them all together and see how they work. First of all, go to your design window, select the Picture Box, and then, go to your Properties window. Just above the properties list ther is a little icon of lightning. Click on it, and you'll see the events list. Find the MouseClick event, and double-click on it's name. This should give you the code editor window with the method already in place. Here's the code for it:

// We find the X and the Y coordinate of 
// the mouse using the mouse event arguments
// (called 'e'). We'll store them into some 
// variables. Note, how we switched X and Y's 
// place – that's because we declared our game
// field in the opposite way – X for height 
// and Y for width. I know… Goofy…

int mx = e.Location.Y;
int my = e.Location.X;

// The next step is to divide the mouse 
// coordinates with the block/field size,
// so we'll get the coordinates of our field.

decimal x = mx / iFieldSize;
decimal y = my / iFieldSize;

/ And to round them up (since they came 
// back as numbers with decimals) we 
// convert them right back into intigers.
// Not to mention that we need them as 
// integers, to define our fields.

int ix = (int)x;
int iy = (int)y;

This code will give you exact coordinates of the block player clicked. Ok, what's next? Obviously, we'll have to see if the block player clicked, is actualy connected to other blocks of the same color. And we'll do just that – in the next chapter.
