He has touched you with all sorts of ways. But you do not also release vaginal lubricants natural. As a result, the penetration was not completed because he’s afraid, you will be in pain.
Many things that cause vaginal dryness. However, vaginal dryness is most often associated with menopause and hormone therapy. Nowadays there are many young women who experience this, because the cause of most oral contraceptives, which are consumed. This could occur because contraceptives such as pills regulate estrogen during a full month. Without a flow of natural hormones rise and fall (marked with lubrication discharge), body’s response to sexual desires can change.
Chemotherapy; stress; spray washer sex in toilets; breastfeeding, drugs such as antihistamines, antidepressants, and the like could trigger a dry vagina. This also could be early symptoms of a medical condition or one’s emotional problems. So, do not forget to consult a doctor if this is the start disturbing and alarming, especially if the drought is accompanied by vaginal burning, itching, pain, or dryness persists even been given an artificial lubricant.
Here are steps you can do to help overcome the dryness of the vagina:
1. to help reduce the dryness of the body, drink plenty of water. Not only that, adds to the body of water intake can help performance and metabolism better.
2. Do not smoke. Smoking will attack the hormone estrogen. Whereas the hormone responsible for maintaining the vagina stay healthy and lubricated.
3. According to Drs Andrew Weil and James Duke through their research, published in Health Journal, there are several herbal medicines that can help women’s sexual and reproductive condition, dong quay, fennel and fenugreek, chaste berry, black choosy, and vitamin E. Vitamin E can be applied topically as a lubricant. However, there are some people who are sensitive to vitamin E, so be sure to try it out first on other areas.
4. Choose foods high phytoestrogens, like soy, apples, nuts, flaxseed (linseed hellebore), celery, alfalfa, wheat and whole grains.
5. Select body care products without chemicals, or reduce the use of chemicals that can irritate the skin or body. Notice the labels that are listed on the soap, lotion, detergent, toilet paper, sanitary napkins, tampons, and others. Additional fragrances and chemicals that are often found in products that you want can irritate sensitive skin tissue, such as the vagina.
6. There are many lubricant products to help you. However, if you’re concerned with abortion, you can create your own. Here are tips on making homemade liquid lubricant from a named midwife Aviva Romm of the American who studied at Yale University.
4 teaspoons cocoa butter
4 teaspoons coconut oil
2 teaspoons almond oil
10 drops of sandalwood essential oil
10 drops of vanilla essential oil
Mix the ingredients, store them in glass bottles, and apply whenever needed.
7. one way to increase vaginal fluid with saliva which is certainly more secure. Try asking your husband to stimulate the oral route, or do 69 or fellatio position, orally stimulate each other. In this way, the vagina was wet with saliva only, but will also make you more aroused and remove the liquid lubricant naturally.
8. Do not leave sex. Regular sexual activity will increase blood flow to your genital area, which would also increase the amount of your lubrication fluids.