How to instantly close all open applications in Mac OS X

f you are a computer expert, you'll always sure lots of applications open at the same time, sometimes, this can be a big problem, because it slows the computer a lot. But, fortunately, in these cases we have a trick that allows us to close all applications Mac OS X instantly.

This is a script made by MegaOm that allows us to instantly close all applications.

The script can be downloaded from here When it has finished downloading, you have to unzip and run it by double clicking on it.

If you have any questions, guys GigaOm have prepared a instruction manual with which resolve all doubts we have.

It is certainly a very useful tool for anyone working in front of a computer Mac and in a hurry to go home. But like all things in this world, this tool can be dangerous, because if you have not saved the changes applied to documents that were processed, images or anything else, running the script be closed without saving any changes that have not kept away without being able to return to recover.