One of the most envied Mac OS X is the Dock, the bottom bar containing the application icons and links, it is very striking, and pretty easy to use, since Windows and Linux we can have some additional applications, this time I will present aDeskbar.
ADeskBar has all the features Docks popular than others have, as a way of panel, different styles: round, floating and 3D effects on the icons that are hidden automatically, configurable screen position, transparency, and many other features.
In addition to the application launcher that is basic aDeskbar also includes features such as drawers something similar to batteries "Stacks"In Mac OS X and widgets for quick action, as the invocation of the terminal, or log off the system.
Below is a video where you can see more detail what gives you aDeskbar.
You can download aDeskbar formats . Deb so you can install Ubuntu with a few clicks.