iOS 4.2 is available

The IOS upgrade to version 4.2. has been really expected, especially for users iPad, Who had been standing like the iPhone and iPod Touch since they were available to some progress in this update. Today all that is left behind, and 4.2 iOS arrive at dusk.

According to Apple, from the 19 of today you can download the new version from iTunes, so you can begin to enjoy multitasking, folders, and two of the most anticipated features: AirPrint and AirPlay, to print or reproduce content wirelessly.


She also gets the Game Center, which can play and challenge friends and show our scores in the network, and discover more games being played, and the possibility of renting episodes of TV series from the iPad, with 30 days of grace to begin to see them, or 48 hours from start playback.

4.2 iOS also include the feature Find My iPhone for free (no need to have a MobileMe account) and available for users of the iPhone 3G, 3G and 4, iPod Touch 2nd. generation or newer, and iPad, and is translated into 25 new languages, including Portuguese.

More information: Apple